From a young age we are taught that being different is okay and a good thing, but in reality, it is something that society frowns upon, something that is not easily accepted.
If you do not follow what everyone else does, or decide to think for yourself, you are considered stepping out of line and into uncharted ground. If you read a lot you are labeled as a nerd, but if you don't, you are thought of as dumb. If you've never had a relationship you are weird, and if you have had lots of them, you are a slut.
Everyone, especially females, are pressurized into having the perfect slim body with long, thick hair, and anything less than that is not accepted. It's as if people are scared of being different because of what the world will think of them, and society is scared of different.
Different means things could end up changing, and it's only people that are daring that can change the world, maybe for the better. Possibly even for the worst.
Everyone is so caught up with what others what them to do, that they lose focus on what they want. This is however great for society. Everyone, every morning gets up and goes to work or school. They follow orders and nothing goes wrong, which means nothing needs sorting out. Society would much rather, whether they admit it or not, be lazy and kick their feet up. In order to do this, they need to remove people anything and anyone who are different. People are stereotyped as a certain individual, and not allowed to fall into more than one category. Different equals Unknown, and the unknown is scary. In this world now a days it is really hard for you to find your true self because people will try their best to claim you as their own, but when you do find it, keep it.
Don't just do something because everyone else is, do it for you.And when you find yourself, never let go. Hold on to it with every bit of strength you've got, and never be afraid to be different.