Not too long ago, I heard five words that changed my outlook on life; they were, “Be content, but not complacent.” While letting these words sink in, I began to question what my future held. Would it hold a high paying career? What about a nice, little family? All of these wonderful ideas flooded my mind, and then I realized that I, like many others, only focus on what the future holds. We get so caught up on what is going to happen, that we tend to forget what is already happening.
So many times people rely too heavily on happiness coming their way, that they forget to relish the moment that they are in. Happiness isn’t something that just happens to a person; it is a decision that they have to make on our own. A person has to choose to be happy with the exact place they are in the journey we call life. Each place that God takes us should teach us a lesson, so we should not worry about what tomorrow may hold to the point that we do not pay attention to what is right in front of us. Take joy to what is happening to you, because the place where you are never has been, and never will be again.
Now I know the present is great deal to worry about by itself, but do not get me wrong, goals are an awesome thing to have, as well. In fact, a life without goals usually doesn’t prosper, because that person does not have a reason for waking up and completing the tasks in front of them. We as human beings have to have a reason for going through the trials that we face. If we don’t have a vision of what we want in our lives, we become complacent. We should always remember, that no matter the place we are at in life, there is always improvements to be made. There is still a superior calling on your life; a calling that takes you up instead of down.
I guess that the message that I am trying to relay to others is that our happiness does not just show up on our door step one day; we have to make the decision to be satisfied right where we are at each moment of life. However, that should not get in the way of the goals and dreams that we have set for our lives. Be happy with where you are, but do not forget where you are going. We should have a balance of being satisfied with the present that it sparks our passion even more to get us to the next level of life. Be content, but not complacent. Relish in the small things of life that are right in front of you. Be content, but not complacent. Let the hunger for a greater future drive you to greater things. Be content, but not complacent. Let these words change your life, like they did mine.