Now that I have just recently graduated college I get to finally get to be an adult. This is one of the most exciting parts in one's life! Your expectations are...
1. New car
2. House/ apartment
3. Your dream job
4. Steady relationship hoping they may pop the question soon
5. Pets, lots of them!
6. Paying all of your own bills
7. Living comfortably
8. Having free time/ me time
9. Don't need any help making any types of appointments
Everything seems so magical and wonderful! But sorry to break it to you this is your reality:
1. You still have the old crappy car that you have had for years.
2. Still living at home with your parents.
3. After dozens of interviews, finally getting a job offer that isn't exactly what you want.
4. Chances are you are single or engaged and planning a wedding (and where is that money coming from?)
5. You do not have all the pets that you have always wanted
6. Paying your own bills haha. Good luck with that! Start small help pay your phone bill and maybe car insurance (you will still be riding on you parents coat tails till you're at least 26) because being the only person on a bill is quiet expensive.
7. You are living paycheck to paycheck because you are paying all loans off which are $100,000+ and every other bill.
8. You do not have free time! You are either working 40+ week or have additional side jobs to help pay for everything. When you get home you are showering, eating and sleeping and your day starts all over again!
9. You are still going to be calling your mom to ask about the information that is on that sheet because you have no idea what they are asking. They will still come with you to the dentist because you sure as hell cannot afford that cavity bill.
I am not saying everything will happen to you but being an adult isn't exactly sun shines and rainbows. No one prepares you for the bigger things in life like taxes, mortgages, loans, etc. It is okay if you still need help from your parents and you ride on their coat tails for awhile. Mine always tell me "milk the gravy train while you can" and "live home for free and save up your money". Enjoy your time as a student and a kid, life goes way to quit!