The twenties are your selfish years. Your “under construction” years. The time in your life that you’re old enough to make the right decisions, but sometimes (or most of the time) choose not to. You have responsibilities like an adult, but have the mindset of a teenager longing for adventure. I guess you’re supposed to know what you want to do for the rest of your life at this time. You’re supposed to have it together. This is the time of your life where everyone looks at you like you’re supposed to know what you want to do, who you are, and what on Earth you’re destined for. But sometimes, it’s just too much. Why? Because you’re 20something.
In your twenties, you’re building your foundation. You’re renting a place out with your college buds, your boyfriend, or yourself. You’re buying houses (rare, but it happens), getting your first fur baby, driving off from a dealership lot with a car that might actually be trustworthy for the first time in your life. When you’re twenty, you do a lot of things. You have a lot of firsts, you meet a lot of people, you have a lot of different jobs, and of course, make a lot of mistakes. But what people keep forgetting is that you’re still human. Sometimes, you go to college because that’s what you’re supposed to do right out of high school and you feel trapped. You’re content with your major and can see yourself doing it, but you feel like there’s more for yourself than that. But reality is, you just haven’t yet been exposed. Sometimes, you decide not to go to college right out of high school and you feel ashamed. When your family is having a gathering and all of your aunts and uncles are asking what you’re doing with your life, don’t feel like you have to have an answer. But if you do, I’m sure it’ll go a little something like this, “well I decided not to go right off, I didn’t know what I wanted to go for so why spend the money?” for a reply like, “well, you can go as undecided, you know? When you’re there taking your core classes, eventually you’ll find out.” And then, you have the family members that say “it’s okay, you have your whole life.” I mean, don’t just stare at them like this may sound. You should probably say something, but be honest no matter how much they may be disappointed with your answer. The only reason that they get disappointed is because they know how worthy you are. They can see just how much of an asset you are to this world. They just don’t want the world to miss out on something as great as you. Personally, I like the “it’s okay, you have your whole life” answer. Although I know what I want to do, or at least the industry, I feel as though I still don’t fully have it figured out. I feel so broke that it might be worth working up the money for, and going back. Happier, and a little less stressed out, but also a little more prepared. You know it’s completely okay to take detours, right? Life is full of them. It’s just about finding your way back when you feel ready, and figuring out which path is next.
Although building your foundation and working your way to a bright future is important, it’s okay to live in the moment and have some fun, too. It’s okay to finally request a day off from work to go to a concert that you can’t stop smiling about when you speak of it. It’s okay to not know how to cook. If you don’t have past experience, how would you know, anyway? It’s okay if you didn’t get the job. A lot of businesses look for experience, something that we are working on. It’s okay to not have a partner. You can be as single as you want and still be as happy with that freedom. But if you do have a partner, it’s okay to spend all of the time in the world with them because they make you feel like you are somebody. No matter how much others don’t like that. You don't have to have your life together yet, people. I know you know that, but it’s something we often forget. We’re all human. We all have things that come up that make us unable to do what is expected of us right off the bat. We all go through breakups (I don’t only mean boyfriend/girlfriend) that make it hard to get out of bed and face the world. You could have “broken up” with a friend since you were little and it still have the same impact. Ordepression - if you have it, you know that it causes the same damage. At the end of it, no one gets out alive. You have to remember this.
You’re 20something. Spend so much of your time doing the hobbies and activities that you love, that you forget about the world for a little while. Buy that one-way ticket, get the tattoo, eat that last slice of pizza, take a spontaneous trip, just live. Whatever it is, you may be responsible for countless things in your life right now, but take a step back. Breathe. You’re in your twenties for crying out loud! If you keep waiting, you’re going to blink and open up your eyes to realize that you’re 60. And that you still feel like you have unfinished business. It comes soon. I think a lot of people can quote me on this. Have fun, but work on yourself in the meantime. Not everyone gets to where they need to be at the same time. Although we’re human, we aren’t the same. Someone can be 25 years old and have their career and be totally happy. That’s fine too! If you are 20something and know what you want to do, that is something that you need to take and run with. No one can take that from you unless you let them. But also remember that just because you know what you want to do doesn't mean that it’s that simple for everyone else, too. Get married, have kids, work at the job that you love and have worked at for ten plus years, go to college, don’t go to college, just do what makes you happy. We have one life to live. Live life as if you’re 20something. Even if you’re not in your twenties and reading this, live as if you are. Or live at the age where you were the happiest. Take yourself back there. Go get that dusty photo album in a tote stored in the basement or attic with other objects from the past and take a trip down memory lane. Even if it’s a quick trip. Take it out and remember what life is all about. Life. Is. Too. Short. Get what you need to get done, and take some time to enjoy what you did. Celebrate. You’re 20something. Be 20something.