I thought I was doing pretty well for myself here at Louisiana Tech University. I was making good grades, I became a part of the powerlifting team here, I was in the ESPE club for my major, and I was slowly making new friends. Although I was having a great time, something else was missing. I couldn't tell what it was, but I felt there was something I was missing out on. Could it be an organization? Or maybe I wasn't going out and exploring Ruston enough. It wasn't any of those things. The thing I was missing in my new life at college was a higher calling, a bigger picture that I just couldn't see. The LA Tech Baptist Collegiate Ministry was the piece that was missing from my puzzle.
I didn't go to church a lot when I was still living in Jena because I never found a place I felt comfortable attending. Sure, we had plenty of churches around, but none of them felt like a home to me. Any time I made an attempt to go somewhere, I immediately felt like I didn't belong. It wasn't that the church members weren't welcoming, I suppose it was just me. I felt afraid that I would be judged because I hadn't been attending church all my life and I felt as if I just didn't belong. I should not have felt that way. A church is the house of God, and everyone knows God loves all of his children. So why was I so scared? I honestly cannot answer that question.
I made myself a promise that once I got to college I would try to find a great church to start going to. For awhile, I let that promise slip away from my thoughts. I was too busy trying to grapple the struggles of becoming a college freshman. But God made sure someone would catch me and remind me of what I had promised myself. I didn't know it then, but he sent Lauren my way to put me on the right track. She is the one I owe a large amount of gratitude to for helping me discover the BCM. She kept telling me and telling me about all of the events going on at the BCM and I simply told her I'd take her up on them later. Finally, she invited me to a service called 56 held every Tuesday at the BCM. I had homework that night and I contemplated just telling her I had too much work to do and I wouldn't be able to make it. But something in the back of my mind told me I should go. There wouldn't be any harm in making one trip. So I told her I would go. As we were walking there, I was a little skeptical about what would happen. I assumed I was just doing this because I'd promised Lauren a thousand times I would go with her. I assumed I would be bored out of my mind being there. Man, was I wrong. As soon as I walked in the door, I panicked. I absolutely felt out of place. I looked around and everyone was talking to their friends and had their Bibles and I immediately thought, "I'm not supposed to be here." I knew I was sweating and my face had turned red. I looked at Lauren and told her that I was nervous and I didn't belong here. I will never forget what she said to me. She looked at me and said, "MaKayla, I'm gonna need you to stop talking like that." I directly shut my mouth because I knew she was not joking. As we walked into the worship room my anxiety level rose. We sat in the back, which made me feel a little better. Then the worship started. Instead of being scared, I felt safe. I felt a calming presence wash over me. The best part was the message that night was directed straight towards me. That's when I knew I WAS supposed to be there. I met some great people and the worship was wonderful. That night was one that I will never forget. I felt right at home at the BCM from then on to today.
I still make my trips to 56 every Tuesday night. I've met more and more people and I even got a chance to speak with Brother Kevin this past Tuesday. I love the place and the people there. I don't feel nervous or as if I shouldn't be there anymore. I look forward to every Tuesday night, and I'm even considering going to Bible study on Mondays. I know I'm surrounded by a group of fellow believers who all gather at the BCM for the same reason as I do. We all go to share the love of Jesus Christ. Needless to say, I have found a home in the BCM.