Seventeen seasons over and done with, now season 18 is consuming the lives of all Big Brother fans across the land. Whether you're a newbie or a veteran, while watching each episode you feel as though you're one of the house guests. As you watch each episode, there are questions that continuously race through your mind. With so many new twists and a handful of new house guests, it's hard to predict what's going to happen within the next few weeks. Yet, it's so hard to stop yourself from thinking about the BB house between episodes. Here's what Season 18 has got on my mind so far...
1. After watching Mike Boogie and Dr. Will or Jeff and Jordan, who will the next dynamic duo be? James and Natalie?
2. When is Zingbot coming back?
3. Which evicted house guest will come back thanks to this new twist?
4. Will Julie Chen just stop talking and get back to the show?
5. Is there any girl in the house that James hasn't flirted with?
6. Does Corey have mutual feelings toward Nicole?
7. Have any of the house guests ever named pool duck with the sunglasses?
8. What's with Frank's attitude this season?
9. Will the final three be all girls?
10. How long will the teams last?
11. Do the camera people have fun recording the house guests all day?
12. Who will be the first to break out into a fight? Mama Day and Frank?
13. Can Paulie walk around shirtless every episode?
14. Who chooses the sound effects for the show? You make the show 10x funnier.
15. What does slop actually taste like?
16. How many more pranks will James play?
17. Will 8 pack survive?
18. Did everyone finally realize that Tiffany is Vanessa's sister?
19. Do they plan the little dances they do before voting in the diary room?
And the one question that everyone's been thinking...