Spring break is over and your chance to tan and catch up on sleep is gone -- at least for a few more weeks. You might be feeling a little bit ready for the year to be over, or maybe even a lot. You have one or two more mid-terms left and you are starting to check your grades. As you calculate your mid-terms into your average you might be discovering you don't have as many As as you thought you did. Hopefully, the rest of the semester will be a blow off and you will be able to add a few points onto those averages.
After mid- terms are over you go to bed without doing your readings. I mean, he wouldn't give you a quiz right after the test, right? Wrong. Pop quiz on the first day back to class. It's okay because the rest of the semester you are going to work harder than ever.
You are walking to the library to start working on your GPA and suddenly you realize that sweatshirt you have been wearing the last few months is a little hot. Spring has finally sprung and good weather is here to stay. You can take off that sweater for good, or at least until November.
Better weather means spending more time outdoors, being active and getting in shape for summer clothes and swim season. So you pledge to yourself that you are going to start going working out every day to get in shape.
But after one workout you are feeling a little sore and decide to settle with sticking to the oversized t-shirt fad the rest of the year.
Before you even have time to unpack from spring break, it's time for finals again and the "simple" reviews that your professors have given you are going to take at least a week to get through.
You have been planning to spend all Friday night at the library, but your friends offer to go out is just so much more appealing and you don't want them to feel like you are ditching them, so you ditch the library.
When finals come, you are ready but a little regretful that you didn't spend more time studying, but college is all about the memories, not the GPA! Right?
Finally, the semester is over and it's time for summer. You might be a little sad to see the year go and to have to leave your school and out of state friends but, hey, there is always next semester.