Surely it's impossible for me to know what I want in life. I'm also incapable of knowing anything about the world and the problems going on in it. I'm too young to understand any of it....according to the adults of today. It's sad to see the way that us young people get looked down upon by the adults in our lives. I mean I get it, You've been around the block a few times, heck you've probably ran circles around me in age. That does not however make it okay to belittle me for being younger. I look around my circle of friends and classmates and I feel like we've got it together for the most part. Yes, we laugh and have fun. Yes, we make mistakes, but adults do too. Let's not act as if divorce, being fired from a job and or being a bad parent doesn't happen to "older people". You all make mistakes just like us.
I will agree that some adults are wise about most things (SOME ADULTS). However, does that deem them worthy to walk around the Earth like they know everything? Or let's talk about what truly makes someone an adult. Is it the gray hair, bills and the job? Could it be the fact that you've been out of college for a year, or is it more like ten years? I feel like adulthood does not come with the double digit "21". I've seen too many people way too excited about drinking when they turn 21. Adulthood is not about being able to purchase cigars and alcohol people. Instead I feel like its about actually learning from your childish mistakes.
You know your an adult when you do not need to depend on your parents anymore. You have your own job and are able to pay your bills and rent on your own. At this point of your life your priority should be your career (or education for some people) and if not starting a family (if that's what your into). Adulthood does not mean boring. Yes, you can still go out with your friends and grab drinks or go to a club but that also comes with a newfound responsibility. As an adult you shouldn't be struggling to stand after a few drinks, you should know your limit by now and act accordingly. Family drama will always be around, but "he said-she said" drama shouldn't be one of your main concerns, that bridge should of been crossed years ago.
My point in saying all this is, adults are not too far off from the youth. Sure we may have more energy, commit silly mistakes, but what would you tell a young person who already does what I've listed above? Are they considered adults? The answer is yes. If at 18 I am able to vote and am legally viewed as an adult then the adults who placed the law in order should treat us as such. But, let's be honest, most 18- 21 year-olds are not mentally adults and that's fine. The problem starts when older folks begin to treat those young people as if they are 15. At the same time we have to understand the way we as young adults are being perceived. The way we speak, act and carry ourselves tells a lot about what kind of people we are. If I was an adult at a bar and saw a bunch of college kids acting out and not drinking responsibly then I would obviously look at that age group and call them childish. This is one of those things that goes both ways so, adults stop looking down on us and fellow young adults, let's act our age (responsibly).