We all know and love the Batman series. I absolutely adore it. Batman is a hero of the people, with no special powers and no problem with that. The largest part of what makes Batman so popular is the wacky and wonderful villains that he fights against. From the Man Bat to Bane, one iconic character stands out beyond the rest. The Joker is a villain with no history, no future, and a taste for cheesy jokes and broken bones. Batman butts heads with the Joker numerous times in every incarnation of the Caped Crusader, and each time is a memorable and lasting battle, often ranked some of the best of the entire franchise. But here are some lesser-known reasons why the Joker is the best Batman villain.
1. The Joker was supposed to be killed off.
The Joker was initially intended as a throwaway character. In the first edition comics that he appeared in he was supposed to be killed off in a violent sequel to the initial comic. Readers ended up loving the Joker so much that Batman's writers opted to keep the character in the final series.
2. The Joker died, more than once.
The Joker has been shot, blown to bits, killed himself, and died in pretty much every way imaginable. He never stays dead for long, though. Apart from his iconic death in the Batman movies, the Joker even battles with cancer. He uses his ailments as motivation to commit dastardly plans, which is a total BA move.
3. Joker is a brilliant engineer.
The Joker has a plethora of brilliant traps and cheesy gadgets. Regardless of which version of the Joker is present, he is equipped with almost as many gadgets as Batman. This makes for some of the most interesting and entertaining battles of the entire franchise.
4. The Joker has no true origin.
The Joker was essentially created to be destroyed, so the creators never thought of a proper origin for him. This allows the Joker to take on any trait or personality he wants, making him a versatile and engaging part of any story. From the leader of the Suicide Squad to the destroyer of order, the Joker always has an interesting part to play.
5. The Joker isn't focused on death, only chaos.
6. The Joker pulls some of the most interesting gags.
The Joker is the most interesting character in the Batman franchise because he adores his gags. He even cuts off his own face at one point as a way to send a message to Batman that he is a new man. The "Bang" guns, the bat-puns, and the mockery of everything organized is his game, and he sure is good at it.