As long as I can remember, and by that I pretty much mean the past seven years, the Batman Arkham series has been one of my most beloved videos games growing up. It's full of fun, mystery, and enough action to leave you on your couch having to catch your breath. But as a rapid fan of the series who basically buys every installment that comes out, there are still things about the series that bug me way too much that make it a bit more annoying. Even though most gamers such as myself can find thousands of reasons to rage at games like this one, I will just name three.
1. Having to deal with the Riddler
OK, so imagine there is someone in your life constantly trying to prove that they are better than you, regularly believes that they are, but in reality that is not the case (like not at all). That's the case with this man. Ever since day one he has been trying to prove that he is Batman's "Intellectual Superior" by making him/the player solve riddles that are so conveniently places in the same area that Batman is trying investigate. Normally these "riddles" in the game would be optional, but in the third installment of the series it was basically mandatory if you wanted to capture and bring him in. As annoying as it was, it definitely was a good feeling finally capturing him after years of ridiculous riddles.
2. Why don't you fight someone your own size? ...please?
In every single game so far, there had come a time when you, the player, would have had to face an opponent that was 1000 times your size because for the grunts in Gotham City that's the only plausible way to beat The Batman. Now while that may not be the case and nine times out of ten you make it out alive, it is still a hassle having to get through these bosses. They're long, sometimes dragged out, and you'll be on your toes the entire time trying to figure out and opening to take them out. Unless they make it super obvious what their weakness is, and then it isn't too bad.
3. Being 90 percent sneaky
Now a huge part of your arsenal whilst playing these games is your ability to use stealth to take down your enemies when fighting them head on is not an option. You use whatever gadgets you have to your disposal to distract and detain enemies as well as going up behind them and taking them out personally. Now here's when it gets frustrating. There will be a time when you think you're on a roll and feeling like a ninja and then next thing you know you'll hear, "there's the bat!" And you'll be shot down like a plate at a shooting range (and depending on what difficulty you play on, it hurts). And in this game it gets more fun, because enemies can adjust to situations to make your sneakiness just that much more fun (#Sarcasm)! So if you're fine with the possibility of doing the same task a couple times over, I think you'll be all right.
Now I will be honest in saying that this game series isn't perfect, but it is pretty darn close. Despite it's flaws, the stories they tell are always intriguing and the characters are always great to revisit with every installment. So if you're interested in playing a superhero game that sets the bar very high for other games afterwards, then it is a definite must play. But be warned: If you tend to throw controllers, you might want to have an extra one on hand just in case.