I'll go with you.
That could mean a lot of things and brings up a lot of questions like where will you go with me, why will you go with me, what are we going to do?
For this it's simple. I'll go with you if you are uncomfortable going into a restroom with the gender you identify with or into another gendered place. Yes, this is a thing. Here on campus Spectrum, the LGBTQ+, and Ally club, has been working towards a goal that also lines up with the I'll Go With You Campaign.
So what is the I'll Go With You Campaign? It is a campaign that asks allies of the LGBTQ+ community to be bathroom buddies so that those who are transgender, genderqueer, or gender non-conforming have someone they can ask to go with them into gendered places if they are uncomfortable doing so alone. It asks that those of us who are allies to be willing to be there for them even if they do not know us personally because no one should feel unsafe going to the bathroom.
So yes, I'll go with you friend because I want you to feel safe and there's power in numbers. I will be your bathroom buddy, an I-got-your-back buddy, an I'll-stand-up-for-you buddy, even if I do not know you.
Bathroom buddies and #I'll go with you are so important in today's day and age where presidential candidates want to leave laws pertaining to bathroom use and marriage laws up to the state which could and will hinder the LGBTQ+ community if that happens and another candidate wants to fight for their rights even when previously against them. Bathroom buddies are advocates for more than just bathroom and basic human rights. They help give the push needed to get laws even in the works.
One of the main things you can do is advocate and keep advocating even if people won't listen. I really urge you to be an advocate even if you don't have an I'll go with you button or bathroom buddy button. Change really does start with one person and it spreads and continues to spread. The more we talk about an issue that is not fair the more others will talk about it, even if it's negative (which is not what we want but they're talking). The next thing to do is have an I'll go with you button or bathroom buddy button on your backpack, purse, etc. or make it known that you are an ally in someway (#Illgowithyou on Facebook or Twitter). These two things can make a world of difference for a community that grows daily and has hardships in and of itself. If you would like to learn more please contact Spectrum or check out #I'llgowithyou by clicking on either.
Pictured above is Spectrum's Secretary, Melody, who was very kind in letting me take their photo and publishing it in this article. Melody is a great friend of mine and they fully supported and somewhat pushed for me to write this article. Thank you Melody for being awesome and being someone who helps me write articles like these! Shout out also to everyone else in Spectrum because ya'll are awesome and helpful too!