Whether we like it or not, cleaning is an important part of daily life. For most, it's a hassle because of the hard labor and elbow grease we put into appearance which, sadly, often goes unappreciated. In fact, just recently I've gotten some major cleaning done at home. Battling the elements (dirt, dust, and trash) is hard work and the only thing that makes it easier is to add some method to the madness. I've compiled six steps and methods to help cleaning pass quickly and methodically. These tips will change the way you clean, and change the way your home sparkles.
1. A clean home starts with a made bed.
Making your bed will give you a sense of accomplishment and give a part of your room a "clean look." It'll be easier to do the rest of your room because you'll have a clear divide of "clean" and "unclean," making it easier to see where the mess is.
2. If cleaning a room, put all loose items into a bag, on a table or made bed, or a large, flat area (excluding the floor) with disinfectant wipes or wet paper towels.
This will segregate the decorative items from the furniture so that you can clean it properly. Putting the items together also allows you determine the difference between objects of value, and the ones that only take up space.
3. Take the loose items and separate them into two piles: "Keep" and "Throw Away."
Once you've decided what you're going to keep and what you're going to throw away, take all the remaining items and arrange them or hide them away. The preening process eliminates unnecessary objects and helps maintain a minimal amount of clutter on and around your furniture.
4. If you can't decide what to throw away and what to keep, ask yourself if you've used the object in the last three months. If not, throw it away.
Sentimental attachment to objects can be tricky and dangerous. There is a fine line between your deceased grandmother's necklace, and the free trinket you got at the supermarket two months ago. Choose wisely.
5. Divide the area you will be cleaning into smaller sectors to avoid feeling overwhelmed or lost.
If you're looking for something you've misplaced, or can't remember where you put, then this idea is the quickest way to scan a large area in the minimal amount of time. Cleaning large areas should never be random. Even the crummiest piece of paper is better than the mind of a genius. Don't trust your memory.
6. For the floor, take all loose objects on the ground and place them outside of the room or onto a bed. Then vacuum and/or sweep the floor, leaving it devoid of trash. When the ground is trash-free, mop the floor. Then, once the floor is dry, place the loose items back into place.
This last one is standard procedure for cleaning the floor, but the floor should never be taken lightly. The floor should be done last in each sector and is the difference between an organized room and a clean one.