As summertime approaches, so does hot weather and bleaching sunlight. You should be prepared! This is a PSA for you... and a fierce tussle for your entertainment. Here come the contenders! Hey, baseball caps and sunglasses, you're looking good. But which form of current casual fashion/sunlight protection is supreme?
Round 1: Minimalism
These baseball caps prove to be on-trend with minimalist, mostly-white designs that feature a cute embroidered patch. But these hats look like they would easily get dirty.
OMG! The sunglasses really showed up to compete today. They have surpassed simple white and gone so far into the unknown minimalist territories that they now sport a clearcolor. Wow. Colorless color. This round goes to the sunglasses.
Round 2: Nighttime
This baseball cap would kill it during some nighttime beach volleyball or at a concert!
Um, sunglasses didn't even send a contender for this round. They just sent the song, "Sunglasses at Night" by Corey Hart from the 1980's. Sorry, sunglasses; that song's a bop, but it isn't what we're looking for... this round goes to baseball caps.
Round 3: Custom Design
Hipsters have started painting plain baseball hats! That's hecka creative! Atop an acrylic base, oil paint apparently shows up very well, or you can use special fabric paints.
OK, this is a little bit tacky. If you love camp, you might prefer to show it with a T-shirt. Internet customization is not greater than artsy painting. Baseball caps, you win again.
Round 4: Variation
This variation on the classic baseball cap shape bothers me. Lots of people love the big-domed snapback style, but guess what? My head isn't shaped like that.
These cat eye sunglasses styles remind me of epic eyeliner. They define your face in all-new ways. Some people might disagree, but I'd rather wear these than a snapback. Congrats, sunglasses.
Round 5: Sebastian Stan
Sebastian Stan wears baseball caps!
Sebastian Stan wears sunglasses!
If you think Sebastian Stan looks better in a baseball cap, then baseball caps are the winner! If you think Sebastian Stan looks better in sunglasses, then sunglasses are the winner! If you, like me, cannot possibly choose which he looks better in, then we don't have a winner... we have a tie. Bonus round: Which one do you like wearing better? The true moral of this story is, do what you want.