Barry: Obama Before He Was The President | The Odyssey Online
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Barry: Obama Before He Was The President

A movie is coming out about Barack Obama before he became President, and you do not want to miss it.

Barry: Obama Before He Was The President

Barack Hussein Obama II. The 44th President of the United States. The first African American President. 2 terms in the White House. Columbia University and Harvard University are two of his alma maters. President Obama is one of the smoothest, if not THE smoothest President we've ever had. He will leave a huge legacy behind after his term ends.

I was young the first time he was elected into office. I was at Burlington Christian Academy waiting for my mother to pick me up from after school care. Unfortunately, she had been in an accident on Election Day that year. She was rear ended and was taken to the hospital along with my grandmother and aunt. I remember sitting in the hospital with my mother and aunt while my grandmother was being checked out, watching tv. I remember the results kept popping up on the tv where President Obama would keep winning different states.

I also remember when he won. People were so happy in the hospital and around town. I remember seeing an older woman crying saying she was alive to see the first Black President. I remember watching the Inauguration and the ball where Beyonce sang while President Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama danced the night away. We have all seen President Obama through a lot of good times and bad times in our nation. There have been many terrible things to happen while Obama was in office such as school shootings, mass shootings, police brutality, hate crimes, natural disasters, the list goes on. Many good things have taken place during Obama's terms as well such as the employment rate increasing, more people in college, health care being an option for everybody, etc.

I believe that President Obama has done a fantastic job. I applaud him not only for being the President of the United States and being an amazing leader, but I applaud him for being a Black man while doing it. Black men are always being told they can't do this or that, or that they could never amount to anything. There are countless young men who broke through that glass ceiling of being told they couldn't do something, and President Obama is at the top of the list. He will forever and always be my favorite President.

If you know me, you know I like to watch documentaries on different people in history or music. While I was scrolling through Facebook, I saw that Netflix has an original movie about to come out about President Obama called Barry. This movie is basically a story about the President before he actually became the President. The movie looks at Obama's life while he is at school at Columbia University during the early 1980's. It shows different people that Obama hung around, his parents and his relationships with them and other close people around him, and crime and violence. I believe this will be a great movie, and I can't wait to see it. Barry will be streaming on Netflix starting December 16. You can watch the trailer here.

I will miss President Obama or Uncle Barry. He has surely left an impact on my life as well as others across the nation.

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