Barry Family Making Waves In Finger Lakes Wine Country | The Odyssey Online
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Barry Family Making Waves In Finger Lakes Wine Country

Skip California and head east to the Finger Lakes and the Barry brothers!

Barry Family Making Waves In Finger Lakes Wine Country
Stu Gallagher Photography

Imagine walking into your local record shop. Shelves studded with time-worn albums ready to be selected and enjoyed; classic favorites playing from the turntable. Then add to this picture, a big, cozy couch and living room-esque decor inviting you to relax and be at ease. Can't get any better, right? Now, imagine an award-winning winemaker handing you a glass of his family's hand-crafted vintages to enjoy while you relax. This is the exact atmosphere in which you can expect to lose yourself, at the newly opened Barry Family Cellars tasting room on Main Street, Burdett, New York.

Barry Family Cellar's inception was the product of a love and passion for both wine and family. Ian Barry of Burdett, New York began a career in the viticulture industry early in his adult life, beginning as a part-time employee at a Hudson Valley winery, later working as a liquor store manager at which he was able to sample wines from around the globe and hone in his palate, as well as expand his knowledge. From there, his passion only grew as Barry worked as a winemaker in Washington and Oregon as well as throughout the Finger Lakes region. However, there was more to be had for Ian and the rest of the Barry family, including his brother, Brian (a phenomenal, award-winning winemaker in his own right) and his father, Ken (a retired architect and wine enthusiast).

The idea to make Barry Family Cellars a reality became concrete in the late 2000's and finally came to fruition when they were licensed in 2012. Since then, the Barry brothers have been engulfed in creating stunning reds varietals, vibrant whites and engineering to-die-for blends and fun experiments that are sure to make even the most discerning taste buds water. In the meantime, Ken had been hard at work renovating the winery, and more recently, providing a facelift to the new tasting room.

After opening their doors for the first time on August 27th, 2016, the Barry family saw somewhere around 200 visitors in just their first day of business. Their stand-bys, Riesling, Chardonnay and Gewurztraminer were crowd pleasers in addition to their more playful and exotic creations, Brian's Bright Idea and Pet Gnat.

The Barry Family Cellars will be open Wednesday through Sunday through the rest of autumn and weekends through the winter. Make Burdett a stop on your fall wine tour through the Finger Lakes and pay a visit to the bearded Barry brothers, Ken and Hope, and Ian's wife Trish and son Declan. You won't leave disappointed.

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