Barney Stinson, believe it or not, can sometimes be a very relatable character to many people. Although he may not be in college, he represents college students very well. I aspire to be just as legend-wait for-it-dary as Barney, and I hope everyone else does too. Here's a few instances where Barney completely represented everyone in a college class.
When the professor makes attendance mandatory
When your professor drones on and on
When it's day 8 and you haven't done anything productive
When someone asks the dumbest question
When you see a hot guy from across the room
When it starts to get nice outside
When you get a clicker question right
When you have literally no idea what's going on...
...and your professor says you have an exam next class even though you haven't learned anything
When one of your professors emails you that class is cancelled
When you ace the test you studied for all night
And finally, when the SRTE's go up and your professor's fate is in your hands