The only Barnes & Noble in the Bronx, in the Bay Plaza shopping center, has been sentenced to its death. After almost shutting down two years ago, it was saved by petitions and a community effort to keep it around. However, it seems the property owners have chosen greed over intellect and have decided to kick the bookstore to the curb for a retailer that was willing to pay more.
That retailer seems to be a Saks Fifth Ave Outlet because obviously the people of the Bronx need another clothing store in a shopping center full of other clothing stores. Barnes & Noble provides more than novels and coffee on a daily basis. It is a safe haven to read and do homework. It's where friends catch up, browsing shelves finding new authors to talk about. Barnes & Noble is more than books, it's a place you can meet authors and attend literary events. Students visit there to pick up textbooks and novels for class, and where parents come to pick up summer reading books for their little ones. Barnes & Noble is family, I as well as many other booklovers have a special place for this location in our hearts. It's where we found new series to fall in love with.
I remember reading there when I was a little girl, and growing up, moving on towards the young adult section and now as a 20 year old, I browse the adult section. I've grown up mentally in this Barnes & Noble, participating in their summer reading contests and waiting out till midnight for the last Harry Potter novel. It's my second home and I am not ready to let it be torn down for a retail store that no one really needs. This is the only Barnes and Noble in the Bronx. I don't understand how someone can just decide that this borough isn't worthy enough of being granted a bookstore. That truly sickens me.
Thank you for the memories Barnes & Noble. I hope your future changes because you deserve better as do the people of the Bronx.