If you have ever been a Starbucks barista, then you understand that the struggle is real. Here's a brief list of what baristas go through on a daily basis.
1. When you have to get up at 3:30 a.m. to get ready for the opening shift...
...So you have 3 coffees and a red bull before the doors even open.
2. When a customer starts complaining about the prices as if you were the CEO or something.
But... You're just a barista doin' your job and you have absolutely zero say in how things are priced. So you just gotta sit there and listen.
3. When you’re just enjoying your shift, workin'
hard, and you see QASA walk through the doors.
4. When customers ask you stupid questions.
Customer: “Is this my drink?”
Me: “Is your name Debbie?”
Customer: “No, I’m Bill.”
5. When someone orders a bone dry coconut milk cappuccino, and you're on bar.
6. When you’re on bar and there’s a customer standing right next to the hand-off counter, eyeing your every move.
7. When you make a creamy flat white with a perfect white dot.
8. When you see a customer in public on your day off but you really don't want to have a conversation.
9. When your boss asks if you want to leave early.
10. When your co-worker is getting on your last nerve, but you gotta remain professional because customers can see and hear everything.
11. When you worked all weekend and customers come in Monday morning and tell you how much fun they had.
And you just gotta pretend to be happy for them.
12. When you're too ready for PSL season.
13. When you've been at work too long and you have zero patience left.
Just walk away.
14. When you see that you've been scheduled to work during Frappy hour.
15. When you're five minutes into your shift and you've already spilled mocha EVERYWHERE.
16. When a customer decides they actually wanted their drink iced after you finished making it hot.
And they ask you to just pour it over some ice, but it definitely does not work that way.
17. "Can I have a no-foam cappuccino?"
18. When a customer asks for a very specific number of ice cubes in their drink.
19. When you ask for a customer's name so you can fulfill your Starbucks barista duties and write in on their cup... But they just say no.
Alright, guess you don't have a name then.