I'm pretty sure that every college student has heard the saying that you have to choose between having a social life or having a job when you're in college. Although, be honest, none of us listened and decided that we are definitely going to do all three. Then your grades go down, you start doing poorly at work, your friends start getting demanding, and you are just overall EXHAUSTED. Are you relating, cause I know I certainly am!
My first year of college, I tried to do it all right off the bat and boy did I regret it. I worked full-time at Zaxby's, was taking 17 credit hours, and went out every single time someone asked me too. My grades started to show due to my lack of doing homework in a timely manner, falling asleep in class, and my lack of studying for quizzes and tests. As soon as I noticed what was going on, I knew that I needed to figure something else out. So, what did I do? I quit my job. Soon my grades escalated greatly and my social life was fantastic! The thing was... I didn't have any available money. I was broke.
The following semester I decided that I wanted to try balancing all three again, but this time I was going to be smart about it. So, I went on a job search and ended up landing one at the Chili's restaurant that was less than 5 min from campus. So the ultimate question is how did I do it this time? I followed these simple rules:
1. Time Management. This is the most important factor in balancing these three different "lives". I went and bought a basic planner and I wrote down every single assignment/quiz/test that I had for all of my classes. Then as my schedule was released I would input my work times into my planner. Lastly, I would organize my social events around those two schedules.
2. Priorities. You need to decide which "life" is more important to you. For me, it was school, then work, and then lastly my social life. Some people may prioritize work over school, it all depends on which is needed most. Once you set your priorities to your likeness then scheduling your life will become much easier.
3. Know how to say no. When your friends come up to you and ask you to hang out, but you have a quiz the next day and you work that night, what do you say? No. It is really important to realize what your present actions will do to your future success. This rule ties in greatly with the how you prioritize your life rule.
4. Remember to take time for yourself. It is always important to set a little time aside for yourself. Whether it be time to nap, read a book, or paint your nails! This time is probably the most important, because it is always good to revitalize yourself!
With these three easy steps, it is honestly not that hard to master. Yeah, sometimes you'll still lack a little sleep, you'll miss out hanging with your friends, or you may have to slow down with work, but it all pays off in the end as long as you're happy! Just remember to utilize time management and to keep your priorities straight!