So, this past week I decided to go dark. Undercover. Off the grid. Well, kind of, after one of the roughest semesters I decided that I deserved as much Netflix, sleep, and Frosted Flakes that I wanted. I don't exactly regret my decision, but I may have gone a bit overboard.
As I decided to go semi off the grid I ignored emails, texts, and other forms of contact. I sat very comfortably on my couch trying to zoom through seasons of Charmed (I'm still on season 2 *insert eyeroll*) and doing the bare minimum. However, as I sat around and did nothing, I realized that doing nothing is not all that it's cracked up to be.
I've always been the type of person that was doing something. However, as much as it is wrong to say yes all of the time, it can be a problem when you say no all of the time as well. I have always been a go big or go home and watch hours of Netflix kind of gal. I have always done the extreme of one thing or the other. However, if there is one thing I have learned from the Halliwell sisters, it's that balance is an important thing.
Balance. Reminds me of the days when I would go into downward facing dog and realize that things would work out if I took things one step at a time. A time when my GPA wasn't my biggest issue and that B on my transcript wouldn't keep me from grad school. I am transported to a time when my mom made decisions and I had no worries of my own. However, I am no longer in that time. I am an "adult" and it's time for me to balance.
So, I should probably roll up that yoga mat and stop daydreaming... actually no I don't have to do that. I can go back to the mat into sun salutations then back to my couch to watch Netflix. However, I have to mix that in with actually seeing people, keeping in contact with my friends, and prepping for an amazing internship. I need to remember that rest should not be confused with laziness, and that there is a goal. The goal here is to be ready for the next crazy year filled with a ton of different steps.
So, here is to, a planner that will not be collecting dust all summer. Here is to, a routine that includes waking up before noon, leaving the house to do something, and not just watching Netflix all day. Here is to not ignoring texts, calls, and emails because I am on break. And here is to an here is to a restful summer with a goal and plan.