When I started college a few years ago I had to learn that everything in life is a balancing act, I had to find the right balance for me. I had to learn how to balance schoolwork with my social life. I quickly had to learn that the amount of effort I put into my schoolwork was reflected in the outcome of my grades.
If I decided to lay around on Saturdays and watch Netflix instead of studying my test grade is going to reflect that. And it did.
My first semester of college was a learning curve for me. I had to learn that there is no one there handing my hand and reminding me to do my paper or projects. I had to rewrite down the due dates and know that if I do not turn it in on or by the due dates my teachers would not accept it or they would take points off. There was no excuse I could give for why my work was not turned in on time (trust me I tried). It was my responsibility to get my work done on time.
I had to learn that the time I set aside for schoolwork, was for schoolwork. It was not a time to text friends or binge watch shows. I needed that time to do whatever it is that is due that week.
It is no different than now. It is my senior year and it feels like I finally have the balancing out figured out. I know how to budget my time, so I have time for schoolwork and leisure. Thanks to my phone and the 'Do Not Disturb' feature, I know how to focus when it is time to do schoolwork. When I set aside time for papers and projects, I know how to make them my priority. It was not an easy process for me to learn, but it seems that I have the magic formula figured out.
It, of course, is not the same for everyone. I am a person who can write a 5-7 page paper in one setting, where some people have to spread it out over a couple of days. I am a person who likes to get big projects and essays done early, so I do not have to worry about it as the due date approaches. I make sure that everything that is due for school that week is done before I start to plan my leisure time.
And when it is my leisure time, I try my hardest not to worry about schoolwork. It is not an easy thing for me to do because I am always checking to see if the teacher has graded essays, exams, or projects. I always try to plan something that is fun to me during my leisure time. Even if it is just spending time in my room listening to records on my recorder player I got for Christmas two years ago. Anything to get my mind off of school and to relax.
My advice to any freshmen who ask me 'how do I do well in college,' find your balancing act. Figure out what is a priority for your school AND your social life.