Now I know you all have heard the phrase “pack/travel light” in reference to carrying loads of extra baggage in your life. “Travelling light” is always the goal but as many of us know, not all goals are achieved in their estimated time. So what happens, when you pull up to airport realizing you’ve brought along more than you can bargain for. The price of the ticket is far too high at this point, and you can’t quite justify boarding with all this mass?
And for those of you like myself, that will begin travelling and revert once they realize the peace just isn’t there. Learn to utilize your baggage claim.
Baggage claim: The area in an airport that allows arriving passengers to claim their luggage that was stored on the aircraft.
Baggage claim: The area in which you claim what’s necessary to continue your life in a stellar manner, and leave behind the trash energy that subjects you to failure. *cues “bag lady” from the prophetess Erykah Badu herself.
Shall we get into it?
It’s now the holiday season meaning soon and very soon we will be wrapping up a this current year, and although many of us like to overly utilized the slogan “NEW YEAR NEW ME” the truth is it will remain nothing more than coined slogan within many lives.
Because too many of us are unwilling to stand at the baggage claim a little while longer and get our lives together.
While we’re too busy trying to get into the next phase of our lives, we often miss a crucial lesson. This lesson being the value of patience and consistency.
Together these two will prove your ability to stand firm in integrity, rather than allowing the quick schemes and fast-pace results to cause you to cut corners, and connive your way upwards. Patience and consistency also obviously require time, and time requires some form of comfort (even if it’s at it bare minimum, without comfort you’re sure to become restless, and more susceptible to forego the process) which ultimately means you must have a light load.
Things to unpack:
When standing at the baggage claim of your life please consider leaving these raggedy bags of
Bitterness Jealousy / envy
Anger Lust Malice Fear
Discontentment Un-forgiveness
behind for their truly only weighing you down. There’s nothing profitable in carrying any of these emotions into your present. No matter the false sense of comfort they may appear to bring, these emotions are guaranteed toxins that will only sicken your spirit.
When standing in line to claim your emotional bags keep these two scriptures in mind:
“Get rid of all bitterness, rage, anger, harsh words, and slander, as well as all types of evil behavior. Instead, be kind to each other, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as the God through Christ has forgiven”- Ephesians 4:31-32.
“And now, dear brother and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise”- Philippians 4:8.
Choose wisely as you pick up those new bags, and embrace the freedom of releasing the old.