I've been having a really awful week- and by that I mean it's a "everything is going wrong so I'm going to sit inside on my bed alone and watch Lifetime movies" kind of week. Bad grades? I got em'. Problems with friends/arguments with family? Of course. Stressful coursework? Duh. And to top it all off I almost hit a bunny straight in the head with a rock today. This is the week straight from hell. I honestly thought it would never end. My future seemed bleak at best and all of my plans for the next month were thrown out the door because I was so fixated on how terrible this week was to me. Every little thing that went wrong was simply the universe telling me to just stop trying.
And that's okay. The thing is, everyone has these weeks. Everyone has the weeks where its them against the entire universe, or so they seem. Sometimes they last just one week, and sometimes they can last a month or two. We need to realize, though, that these weeks/months do eventually come to an end. The coursework will slow down. The fights will be resolved. The grades? Well, you always have next semester. All the little bad things that have been happening to you will end up seeming not that bad. Everything works out even though it seems like it won't.
I know, it seems easy to make yourself believe that this rough time will never end. It's hard to see the good things to come when you're stuck in the middle of a thunderstorm directly over your head. It sucks when everyone else is having the time of their lives and you're struggling. You're allowed to struggle, and more importantly, you're allowed to admit that you're struggling. Everyone does at one point or another. Just because you don't actually say that you're having a bad week doesn't mean that you're not having a hard time. Everyone who seems like they have their life together typically don't actually have their life together. Some of the biggest battles people face are within themselves. You'd never even know how strong someone was unless they told you. We walk past people every day who may have experienced a loss or are going through a terrible time.
We all struggle now and then. Everyone. Sometimes our problems and struggles get in the way of our plans to rule the universe. Sometimes that boy will stop texting you for no good reason. Sometimes your friends may seem like they hate you when in reality it's just a misunderstanding. Sometimes, life just does't seem fair. This bad week/month/year that you're having will eventually end. Things will turn around. I can't promise that it'll happen soon. I can only say that it's so important to be hopeful for the future. Sometimes, the best thing to do is accept the fact that you're having a bad week and to just ride the wave because in the end it'll get easier. Life, although difficult, isn't impossible. That's something we all need to learn.
And for all of you people having a rough week/month/year: I genuinely hope it gets better.