My tummy isn't flat enough. | The Odyssey Online
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12 Things I’ve Said About My Own Body That I Wouldn’t Say To My Worst Enemy

Walked by a mirror and my first thought was, "Ew."

12 Things I’ve Said About My Own Body That I Wouldn’t Say To My Worst Enemy
Jenni Kustanovich

I wake up every day with the intention of never judging another by their physical appearance. I will never gossip about someone with a friend and then stalk their social media to put them down. Well, more so, put them down, so that I could feel better about myself. I know these things happen every day, I see it.

People want to feel superior, but I have no reason to be better than another. I'm freaking great and so is everyone else. End of story.

I have my ups and downs, but I'm confident and we would live in a pretty snazzy world if everyone else were self-assured, too. You don't have to have magical superpowers to feel like you can rule the world.

This doesn't mean I never put myself down. I have fallen for our self-degrading culture and even when I know I look cute, I always question myself. I've thought some pretty crazy, nonsensical things about myself, but I'm ready to own it and talk about it.

When I sit, my stomach rolls are bigger than my boobs. And, when I do a sit up? OMG!

Everyone. Really, everyone has rolls when they sit — even the models with eight packs. Whether it's under your boobs or lower belly, they will always be there.

I have a wrinkle on my forehead. This is it, it's all downhill from here. 

I blame this on all of the crying I do, but, also, we all have wrinkles.

My knees are fat. 

No, your fucking knees are not fat. All knees are just not visually appealing and look like weird, smushed babyfaces.

What is the bulge of skin coming out of my bra?

You said it. It's skin doing skin things.

My nose is just the worst. 

Don't even get me started on my nose.

My tummy isn't flat enough. 

There is no such thing as a 100% flat stomach and a "concave stomach" isn't realistic.

The way my arm mushes against my body in that picture is not OK. 

No one else is noticing this, but me.

This stretch mark disgusts me. 

I discovered my stretch marks a year or two ago and I was never the same. But, skin will be skin.

Ew, what even is that vein and why is it there?!

I grew up hating my mile-long vein on my lower left tummy, but I’ve learned how to show it off.

 I should just cover my face today, there is no use in trying. 

That's because you don't have to try. Slap on some SPF and you're ready to go.

 Holy shit, I hope no one sees how my thighs look like when I'm sitting down. 

You know when you're in the car and you look down at your thighs and then go into full panic attack mode? Yeah, your beautiful thighs don't mean any harm, they are just being smushed against a car seat. When your face is smushed against a window, it doesn't look so pretty either.

 My stomach is poking out of these jeans...there is no coping skill that can solve this. 

Jeans are the worst, but your ass looks great.

If I heard someone saying these things to another human being, I would be appalled. So why do I so easily say these things about my own body, the body I've been blessed with, the body that can do great things? Body positivity, love, and support for other people is great, but so many of us are missing those same attributes toward ourselves.

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