More than half of America voted for Hillary Clinton, the most qualified candidate for presidency in history. Hillary has been in the political field for 40 years. Her platform did not consist of any attacks on anyone based on race, gender, religion, etc. Her social and economic plans were strategic, professional, and progressive. She is the forward-thinking president we need.
But almost half of you voted for Donald Trump.
You voted for a man who sexualized his 1-year-old daughter.
You voted for a man who does not believe in equal rights.
You voted for a man who mocked a chronically disabled reporter.
You voted for a man who threatened to have his opponent arrested.
It's unfathomable. It's baffling. It would be laughable if it weren't so serious. You, a Trump supporter, were willing to look past all of these facts and deem this man worthy of leading our nation.
You said to yourself, "He raped a 13-year-old girl several times, but I still want him to run my country." You said to yourself, "He wants to deport my neighbors, electroshock my colleagues, and sexualize my daughters and nieces, but he's the change we need!" You may have even said to yourself, "He is all of these things, but I am not." I have news for you. You're worse than him.
You support him.
By supporting Donald Trump, you are telling the little girls in your family that they will never amount to anything if they are not socially beautiful. You are telling the LGBT people you work with that they should be fired for who they love. You are telling the physically disabled people in your neighborhood that their condition is a joke to be laughed at.
You may tell me I am a pot calling a kettle black. And you know what I say to that? You're right. And I don't care. I will never respect a disrespectful opinion. Trump will never be my president. And I will never be friendly towards someone who supports these disgusting morals (or lack thereof).
Trump voters: You are worse than Donald Trump. You are the past. You are segregation. You are racism, sexism, homophobia, xenophobia, ableism, rape, and discrimination. Better get used to the titles – your leader wears them well.