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A Bad Parking Job

A letter to parking services.

A Bad Parking Job

To The Beautiful People At Parking Services,

I woke up this morning at precisely 6:30 a.m. like I do every weekday. I got out of bed, hit the showers and got dressed for my 8 a.m. At seven in the morning I was in my car and started driving to class (keep in mind I live ten minutes away). I look at my clock and it reads 7:15 a.m. Wow, talk about early right? I drive around the parking lots and the parking garages looking for a place to put my car. Lot after lot, garage after garage every spot is taken. Finally, I find a spot. I get out of my car head to my first class of the day.

It's a beautiful day. The sun is out, the birds are chirping and everyone seems to have a big smile on their face(It's like Whoville at Christmastime!) I approach my classroom and turn the cold metallic knob. It's locked. I look inside the room and all I see are students up and down the rows, sitting in their seats and paying close attention to the professor.

"How is everyone here already?" I said. I knock on the door.

*Knock, knock, knock*

The eyes of my classmates all simultaneously dial in at my direction. I am the outcast. The professor opens the door and his ill-tempered eyes meet mine.

"You're late," he said. "Take a seat."

I enter the room. I felt like a leper returning back to society after two years of exile. I sit down and look at the clock: 8:15 a.m.

How is this possible you ask? Simple. It's not like Rocky the Red Hawk can come along with his big burly furry wings and swoop my car to his private nest. No. It took me precisely fifty-two minutes to find a parking spot on this campus. It's not like I got up ten minutes before class and left. I woke up very early, left my house with an hour to spare before class and still was late. I did my part. But you did not uphold yours.

Why? Did you want me to suffer? Do you want US, the student body of America to suffer? I hope the answer to this question is no, but I can't be so sure. All I am asking is that you fix this problem. How can you have over 50,000 students attend your university and not accommodate those that need to be accommodated? Do I not pay enough? Does it not fit in the budget? I just pray that if these are the cases, you're using the money to benefit students in other aspects and no that does not mean a statue.

I understand that you are merely people and that this may not be your fault. But it is your problem. How can we expect Susan to get an education if she cannot park her 2014 Toyota Camry within a decent amount of time. Thirty minutes to find a parking spot? It's time to think of the children. Think of the future. Let's put an end to this epidemic.


Best Regards,

A Frustrated College Kid

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