Every existing human being has endured and experienced a bad day, maybe even multiple bad days. We feel everything just a little bit deeper on those days, and maybe it's more difficult to get to the end of that day. Our responsibilities, duties, and obligations overwhelm our bodies and minds.
On those days, don't be alarmed and don't be afraid. All that is in our control is breathing and moving forward. Yes, the negativity in life may bring you down on that day—but don't let it keep you there. Even the awful, dreadful, nightmare-turned-reality will pass.
Whoever invented the phrase about reaching the depth of despair and being all the way at the bottom, that all possible unfortunate events have happened, life only takes you uphill—I have mixed feelings about that. Personally, after falling in the pit, I don't want to go uphill—the thought of going uphill is exhausting and clearly a terrible metaphor. When life pins you down, stand up on your feet and change your obstacles to make them better. Don't feel overwhelmed by the fact that life goes uphill. Instead, think of it as a river that continues to keep flowing and just around the river bend is a better tomorrow.
One bad day, one bad week, even a bad month, does not mean you will have a bad life. You have a great life ahead of you. Don't let an exam, a class or grade, a breakup, a failed friendship, or any hardship that you are facing make you think that you can't carry on.
Please, gather all the strength you have and carry on forward. Life does get better. Reach out to those closest to you, and confide in others about your feelings.
On those days please remember you are important, you are loved. You can achieve the impossible. Don't let one bad day stop you from living a good life.