The only reason you may have clicked on this article is because I have offended you, with the truth. Have you ever noticed that no matter where you go employees are rude or short with you? Well then I have news for you!
You may be to blame in this situation. Sure sometimes the employee can be having a bad day or they really are just plain rude. However if every waiter, host, retail worker, etc. you encounter is rude to you, you're probably the problem.
Why don't we go over a few of the reasons for your crummy service.
Yelling. Yelling at the person who is just trying to do their job. For example, a waiter can not give you a refund on your meal if you've already eaten it all no matter how messed up it was. If they were to do this they could likely lose their jobs.
Asking to speak to a manager. Yes by all means you can speak to a manager but they will tell you the same thing I just told you. Now you're mad because you didn't get what you wanted and the manager is mad because their time was wasted.
Blame placing. You always seem to place the blame on the company, or a mangager, or anyone but your self. Did you ever stop to think that maybe you didn't actually say no onions? Personally the first thing I do when I have a customer say that something is wrong with their order is check the receipt. Yes, sometimes it is the stores fault and your order did not get rang up right. (This is another situation that could be helped if you do not yell at your server.) So the next time you feel like yelling at someone, who likely had nothing to do with the mess up, stop. Think about if you specified what you wanted. Your server will love all the more.
Checking for inventory. You wanna hear a secret about "The Back"? You know that place you asked an employee to check because they didn't have the thing you wanted in stock? The place that you think is this huge warehouse thats being used to hide things from you? Ya, well that's not as big of a thing as you thought it was. What will most likely happen is the employee will agree to go check, use that little bit of time to look for the thing they know they don't have, and tell you they don't have it. Sometimes you do get lucky though and they have what you're looking for. What you do when they don't however is the deciding factor in you being a bad customer or not. First you can accept that the item is not there, say thank you and go look some place else. Another great option is to ask if its possible to order the item and have it shipped to the store, if this option was not already presented to you. The worst option you have in this situation is to be the person that makes everyone in retail hate their jobs and start yelling.
Remember who works where. You do not work here. I do. Please do not tell your waiter how to do their job or even that because you, your sister, mother, cousin, etc. was a waiter once you "know how it works." You can not come into a restaurant or store and tell someone how to do their job because you do not know as much as them in that certain job. Your waiter is not going to walk into your OR, or courtroom and tell you that you're doing your job wrong so why do it to them?
So the next time you want to call corporate and complain about the crappy service you received think about your role in the situation. As another tip, all bad customers become is a funny story to tell coworkers or at the dinner table nothing else.
Remember to tip your waiter!