Many high school students think about how amazing it will be to go away for college. College is a time for growing up and learning new things. It is full of great times and amazing memories. But with going away to college comes many new fears of the unknown. One of the average high schoolers biggest fears is not liking or not getting along with their college roommate or roommates. Not everyone is lucky enough to get the roommate of their dreams. Here are a few Golden Girls gifs that express what it is like to have a roommate you just do not get along with.
1. When you first move in and immediately think...
2. When she won't be quiet when you are trying to work...
3. When she constantly invites her boyfriend over...
4. When she brings over her friends who are more obnoxious than her...
5. When she is never quiet when you're trying to sleep...
6. When she will not stop complaining about everything and anything...
7. When your friends are over and she starts complaining about them...
8. When she asks you how she looks...
9. When she uses your stuff without permission...
10. When you get "sexiled" from the room...
11. When she leaves her dirty clothes everywhere...
12. When she complains that you did not clean your side of the room...
13. When her parents come to visit and ask you how everything is going...
14. When you are finally moving out and can tell her how you really feel...
But do not worry too much! Having a bad college roommate actually helps you in many ways. You learn valuable life lessons. Some of these lessons include, how to get along with people who are different from you, how to handle bad situations and how to keep your negative comments to yourself. Sure you may never want to live with that person again but, at least you came out a better person.