Our entire lives we are told to be our best. From school where C's are labeled "average" but in reality anything less than a B is seen as a poor performance. It is this reality that needs to be changed. Having this constant strive for perfection is unhealthy for your mental, physical and emotional health and does not do anyone good. While holding yourself to you best is good at times, I am saying it is okay to be bad at something.
It's okay if you forget to do a reading or a homework assignment, if you can't draw or paint, if you can't craft like the people on Pinterest. It is okay because you are great at other things.
You may be able to hit that high C, to sprint a mile in less than 6 minutes, or even be able to give everyone great advice. That's great too.
However, on the days that you cannot do those things remember that it is okay. It is okay that you cannot complete a task that you normally can or attempt to do one that you cannot. Remember that you cannot always be at your best because as human we inherently have bad days and that is okay.
We do not have to be perfect no matter what society tells us. We do not have to look like models, we do not have to like the same things, we do not have to be good at everything. In fact the world would be pretty boring if everyone was the same. If everyone was good at painting we would have masterpieces such as Starry Night. If everyone was good at singing we wouldn't worship Beyonce to the degree that we do. If everyone was good at everything we would not have idols or role models that we would look up to and hope and the world would be more dull.
It is only when we recognize that we cannot be perfect at everything that we acknowledge what we are good at. Putting these unnecessary steressors onto ourselves hurts how we see ourselves. So go ahead, be bad at something, let something fall to the wayside, and embrace the positives you see and feel when you strive not to be perfect all the time. See that it is okay to be bad at something.