Having conquered one year of college under my belt and being the avid Youtube watcher that I am, I feel supremely qualified to run through some collegiate backpack essentials for every college student in the Pacific Northwest.
1. Umbrella.
Let's just get this out of the way now, you need an umbrella. I don't care if the forecast says seventy degrees and sunny (that's warm for the PNW), there is ALWAYS a possibility that it will rain, particularly in the Spring. Don't be the freshman who dresses up for her first winter banquet and gets flattened by the rain. Better to be safe than sorry.
2. Chapstick.
This is more of a life essential rather than a backpack, but I would recommend ALWAYS having chap stick available. The Pacific Northwest is notorious for its chilly crisp mornings, which to be honest, I love more than anything. But, to keep your lips moisturized and as smooth as a baby's butt: keep your chap stick on you at all times.
3. Personal/creative notebook.
via GIPH
Aside from your school notebooks, I think its vital to have a separate little notebook set aside for bursts of creativity. Whether it's to make a list, jot down a story idea or doodle – this is a great outlet for you if you're in the middle of class and are hit with a brilliant idea.
4. Water bottle.
Hydrate! Folks! Water is so important for your mental, psychological and overall health!! Carry a water bottle everywhere you go and fill it up when it's empty so you're constantly surrounded by an available healthy beverage.
Here's an article I've written explaining more about the important connection between hydration and health.
5. Wallet.
Despite the stereotype of a broke college student, I can't even count the number of times I have received free frozen yogurt punch cards or a waiver for an entire free pizza. But somehow these little miscellaneous cards always get lost in the hustle of bustle of life. My tip is, ALWAYS carry your full wallet with you so whenever you're given a freebie, you can stick it right in there to remind you to use it.
6. Planner.
Finally, perhaps one of the most important essentials on this list, everyone needs to invest in a planner. Call me old school, but I am convinced that a physical planner IS the key to success. Technology glitches, notes and events can mysteriously get erased on phones or laptops, but pen and paper does not lie. College is a place where five million things are happening simultaneously and somehow you are required to attend every single one of those happenings. With a planner, you can allow yourself to relax and not worry about being at the right place at the right time because all you have to do is look into your agenda for all the answers!