You know what's funny? People who use their smart phones to complain that we spend too much time on our smart phones. Posting on Facebook, a social media platform, how much you hate this "one other app" is like protesting at a BBQ while eating ribs. You are not better, or smarter or "more mature" than the rest of us. We are in the age of technology and you use technology to complain about technology? That just doesn't make sense.
Now, don't freak out. Everybody has the right to speak their own mind, it's part of our Constitution and something highly valued in this Country, but quit yapping about how social media has turned us into robots. Stop calling people who play Pokémon Go "zombies." I've never seen a more "woke" youth than the ones I see today. Pokémon Go is not the end of the world. It's motivated a lot of people to get up off their ass. It's given many a way of coping with depression. It ignites the adventurer in all of us. Also, for millennials this is the closet we will get to one of our childhood dreams
This app, or other apps, do not make us sloths. We are lucky to live in the great age of technology. It is, as it's always been, up to us to use these tools for good. If you've played a board game then there is no validity in calling other people out for playing it electronically. I play Monopoly on my phone because it would be quite a pain to carry the box to the doctors’ office so I can play in the waiting room; not to mention the fact that I would have no opponent. And that's a game you don't even have to stand up for.
Remember when the Wii came out and the first installment was Wii Sports and you'd spend all day playing tennis, or golf or boxing? They had a message pop up every now and then that read "why not take a break?" The game system itself reminded us that playing outside is crucial to our emotional and physical wellness. Pokémon Go took the game outside... literally. Children, young adults, adults and even senior citizens are enjoying the outdoors their own way. They're doing something that makes them happywhile on the go!
To all Pokémon Trainers out there, I salute you. Team Valor, Team Mystic, Team Instinct, I hope you're as happy as I am to catch a Pokémon. I know the joy it brings, because that's what games are for. So travel across the land. Search far and wide. Catch them all. Ignore the banter of bitter people making judgments through the Internet.
To those who do not understand, you don't have to. If the game doesn't interest you then don't download it. By the way the next time you want to make fun of your generation, remember you're a part of it.