I have to go back to school in a week, and I already know my schedule and that it is going to be a rough semester. I doubt anyone actaully feels like they have an easy semester ahead of them right now. According to the world, our GPA is going to define our success for the rest of our lives. Regardless of whether or not that is true, it certainly isn't terrible to try and do well. So here's the best school tips I have.
1. Look for patterns
This is something that I think we were all originally told to do in math class while looking at a line of numbers. While it is still a helpful thing to do in math, it works wonders in other subjects. Try in look for patterns throughout history, in novels, and in arguments. Trust me, nothing makes you seem more brilliant than finding a pattern to connect a series of seemingly unrelated ideas.
2. Give yourself room to screw up
Shout out to my mom for this one. She always told us to assume that we needed to do amazing on every test and paper so that when that one thing comes along that you just don't do well on, you can afford to fail. One test or paper should never bring your entire GPA down. In addition, always do any kind of extra credit if it is offered, even if you don't need it. Assume that you need all the points you can get at all times.
3. Put yourself in the conditions you will be in at school
If you are going to take a test where you have to write out long explanations for things, don't study by making a multiple choice test on quizlet. If you have to write an in class essay in 40 minutes, set a timer at your desk and do it. There's no better way to prepare than to put yourself in the exact situation that you are going to be in for the real thing.
4. Study in a group
People are a lot smarter than you think. I personally never liked doing this until I had a teacher who told us the only way to pass his class was to study in a group, and he was right. Other people can not only catch you up on stuff you may have missed or not gotten to write down, but also offer you a fresh perspective on what you are learning. Sharing your opinions on a topic, getting other people's opinions, and learning what you need to back up your own argument is extremely helpful.
5. Go to office hours
Your teachers and professors are there to help you, so let them help you! I have never been rejected when seeking out a teacher's assistance. Try to avoid just walking in and asking why you aren't doing well or simply saying "I don't get it". Go to your teacher with concrete questions about what you don't understand and what you could do differently to do better.