“I am running away from my responsibilities. And it feels good” – Michael Scott.
1. Accepting the reality that school is coming back.
You look at the date and realize that school starts in 3 days. You have to go back to school in 2 days. Your life is full of dread.
2. Looking online to see what materials your classes require.
Sooooo many books. Soooo much money. The first week of school professors expect to see you with books but you actually don’t order them until after you go to the first class.
3. Having to do ice breakers in every class.
Say your name. Say where you’re from. Say an interesting fact about yourself. Go to the other classes and start over again. Vomit.
4. Realizing that, even though it’s called Spring semester, it’s 100% still Winter.
It’s January. It’s cold, overcast, dark but there’s a glare somehow. Day 1: freezing rain. Day 2: more rain, maybe snow. Day 3: cold. Every single day until after Spring Break is cold, cold, and cold!
5. Readjusting your sleep schedule so that you actually wake up on time for your classes.
You’ve been home, sleeping until 3 PM everyday but now you have a 9 AM class. You have to readjust but it takes almost a week to fix your sleep schedule.
6. Trying to “get a jump” on the semester, but losing motivation because there’s no work yet.
The semester just started, you want to do well! “C’s get degrees” isn’t your daily mantra yet. You want to do work because you’re motivated but since the semester just started there isn’t any work to be done yet.
7. Realizing that not all Syllabus Weeks mean sitting in class for 10 minutes and leaving.
As you get older, professors just launch straight into lectures. There are no more ice breakers and it all starts on Day 1.
8. Going out the first weekend.
Fun, fun, fun! You make plans Wednesday evening for Friday and Saturday and pay for it Sunday.
9. Realizing Monday that it’s time to kick it into high gear.
Week 1 doesn’t really count. Yes, your lectures probably started but it’s only been 2 classes and the first one probably wasn’t serious. But now it’s week 2, time to get down to business.
10. Patiently wait for Spring Break.
This is the semester without any breaks. Fall has so many days off because of Jewish and Federal holidays; Spring only has Spring break and maybe one long weekend.
“Sometimes I’ll start a sentence and I don’t even know where it’s going. I just hope I find it along the way” – Michael Scott.