Recently, I’ve been thinking about how fast life moves and how quick things change. I’ve gone through several different stages just in the past year. My thoughts, feelings, attitude, friends and priorities have all changed in some way over the past 365 days. A year ago, I was in the midst of preparing for my first year away from home at school. I wasn’t sure how it would go; if I would hate it or love it, make friends or be lonely, do well or fall hard. Now here I am, a year later, preparing for my second year, not nearly as nervous. I’ve enjoyed the best summer I think I’ve ever had, and I’m excited but still nervous for whatever is to come next.
There are definitely things I miss after changes. I miss a friend who used to be my closest support but is now barely an acquaintance. I miss all the firsts of this past year: my first time being away from home, my first job, maybe even my first time dropping a class. I’ll never get those experiences back again. However, I’ve made the best memories and found the best people. I’ve met my big, who has become one of the most important people in my life. I’ve maintained and grown my relationship with my best friend, who has been my closest and most consistent support all my life other than my family. I’ve discovered my limits and pushed past them. I thought I knew what I was capable of, but I surprised even myself. I’ve gotten closer to knowing who I want to be and what I want to accomplish in the world. And to be quite honest, I wouldn’t trade that for anything. People sometimes come and go in life, but the truest and most important friends will be around for a lifetime. I’ve realized that anyone who doesn’t stick around is not needed. It's a hard realization to come to, and letting go of people is a hard thing to do, but sometimes it's something that has to happen in order to move forward and live the life you're meant to live.
This coming year is going to hold more firsts, more challenges, more friends and more memories. I can’t wait to make them and live them so a year from now I can again dwell on how much I’ve grown and changed just like I am now. Change is such a scary thing, but it's also really exciting. When I look back on where I've been, I can't help but be proud of the fact that I've gone nowhere but up, and I have so far to go. There will be amazing times as well as trying times, but it's all a part of the journey called life. As Frank Sinatra sings, “The best is yet to come and babe, won’t it be fine.”