The Back to School season is upon us. Some schools resume classes as soon as the beginning of August, and some do not start again until late August or even September. Regardless of when you resume school, here is a list of things you can do in the meantime, whether you have one week or one month. Some of these things are meant for school prep and some are just plain fun.
1. Order your textbooks!
This one may seem self-explanatory, but I cannot tell you how many people put it off until the last minute. Sooner is better than later! A lot of the time, you can find better deals or used versions if you have time to look around and research! Also, online sources such as Amazon can be way cheaper than getting books through your school, but if you wait till the last minute, you will not have time to wait on shipping. Order now!
2. Catch up on TV shows (if only to get behind again when school starts.)
I personally use summer to binge watch all of the shows I missed during the school year, so, in my case all of them. I think I have at least three to four shows my fiancé and I are trying to catch up on before season premieres in September.
3. Read a book (or two.)
This one can be in preparation for school, or just for fun. Getting ahead on assigned reading is always a good idea. If you don’t know where to start, at my school, usually the books are listed in the order they will be read for the class in your textbook list. If you can’t bear the thought of homework just yet, read a book or series you’ve been wanting to get to. You may not have time once the semester hits!
4. Put healthy habits in place now.
Doing this will make it easier once your schedule fills up with school related events and activities. If you are committed to a workout routine or a healthier diet and lifestyle before you have a ton to do, it will be easier to continue it when you’re extremely busy.
5. Clean your closet/room/apartment.
Getting organized before you get busy is so important, and I’ve personally found it so helpful. Also, back to school shopping is usually a pretty common event, so take this time to get rid of any clothes that no longer fit or that you never wear. Donate them to your local rescue mission, Salvation Army, or Goodwill to help others!
6. Get a planner and learn how to use it.
Having a place to write everything down will only help you when you are bombarded with assignments, readings, papers, quizzes and tests. You won’t have to wonder if you are forgetting anything and you’ll never miss another deadline due to confusion or forgetfulness! I like to use stickers and colored pens in my planner to stay organized and make it fun.
Get outside!
Take the last amount of time you have away from school to enjoy the summer sunshine. Fall is my favorite season, but there’s nothing like tank tops and flip flops