There is a lot you can do to help yourself not stay stressed, of course, but are you really following through in doing so? I know for me, I am constantly in a state of reminding myself to take time for me as stress just seems to crawl through my body, as I avoid it and focus on what feels like a million other things.
Essentially, it is pretty much unavoidable that back to school does mean back to stress, but there is so so much that you are able to do to combat those stressful tendencies.
I personally like to set aside one day of the week where I make sure I am able to sleep in and give myself a few hours of downtime. This is super important because it allows you to not only physically relax, but your mind is given a break as well. I think that we all get so caught up in whatever it is that we are doing at the moment and we quite frequently forget to give time to our minds and bodies. I never really even realized how important this was until college! If you don't make time for yourself, everything eventually seems to just catch up with your body.
So, with that being said, make sure you always give yourself "me" time! Back to school and being back to the grind is a little bit of a reality check, but it is so worth the struggle bus we all endure together. We are all in it together and ultimately have very similar goals when we compare them to those of the people around us. Make sure you are focusing on whatever it is you are doing at the moment, but also when finished, give yourself time to breathe and enjoy life!!!!