It’s that time again. The time when everyone and their mothers is clamoring about going back to school. And whether it’s to slug out another year of college or start kindergarten for the first time, the reactions are invariably the same. Here are some reminders of “back to school” as told in GIFs.
The Initial Reaction
Depending on what kind of person you are, you will have one of two reactions. You will either be the one who simply can’t accept that summer is over…
Or the one who is so excited that you can’t wait for classes to begin again.
Choosing Classes
Now since you’ve either slept in bed all day with the impending sense of dread or danced the night away with sheer ecstasy, it’s time to pick your classes. This is your future, so you have to pick wisely. Still, that one-credit Water Polo class is awfully tempting…
Buying Supplies
Next up is getting your supplies; books, papers, folders, calculators, a new backpack, maybe even a new laptop or tablet if you’re lucky. So much stuff! But that's one of the realities of school; you have to take the time and pay the dime.
Waking Up
Your alarm clock rings and you slam on the snooze button with the full intent of going back to sleep. Your internal clock still thinks 11 AM is a good time to get up. But just as you close your eyes, your brain nags at you and reminds you that summer is over and school is about to begin. You shoot up in bed and fly about your room to get ready as fast you can.
The First Day
This one especially goes out to the freshmen. You’re finally at school and you head to your first class. You see everyone chatting with their friends and... all the seats are taken. You’re a stranger in a strange land and no one can help you. You don't know where anything is, and you might have to actually talk to somebody. The horror...
That One Class You Hate
This is bound to happen eventually. You go in to the class, hoping for everyone to be friendly and engaged in what you decided to major in. But after a while, whether it be the professor, the students, or a number of other reasons, you just can’t help but think nasty thoughts when it’s time to go. Is it too late to drop out?
Last-Minute Assignments
A regular sleep schedule wasn’t the only thing that went extinct over the summer. Especially in the first few weeks, you forget that you have assignments to do again. Before you know it, it’s 11 PM and that five page paper on the similarities between Shakespeare and Chaucer is due in fifty-nine minutes.There's no time to waste!
Waiting For Grades
You’ve studied very hard. Either over the last week or two hours, you think you were ready for that test or homework. Now it's time for it to come back. But the professors take their sweet time with each one, leaving you a nervous wreck until you see your grade. Don’t prolong our suffering, just let us know!
Weekend Elation
Five days of ups and downs are finally over. Now comes two, sweet, well-deserved days of rest, respite, and Netflix binging as you try to forget that you’ll have to do it all over again on Monday. But right now that doesn’t matter. Right now you’re free of the shackles of institutional education, and you’re going to relish every minute! Just remember to bed in bed by 10 on Sunday.
Now if you'll excuse me, I have some books to order.