As you walk to your first class you feel as if the last three months of summer never even happened; Nevertheless, you are unbearably anxious and utterly unprepared for the onslaught of stress you are about to face. Sure, you worked during the summer, but that was a cake walk when compared to the juggling act you are about to perform. While taking your seat you silently make promises to yourself:
I will pass all my classes… I will get A’s… I won’t take days off at work… I will have dinner with my family every Sunday… I will hang out with my friends on the weekends… I won’t procrastinate… I will join a club this semester… I will apply for an internship…
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Eight balls and counting, you vow to be the shining star of the circus that is your life. As the spotlight moves to shine on you and the ring master… I mean, professor asks your name, you may find that these tips will help prevent you from dropping a ball:
Healthy Snacks and Caffeinated Beverages
Unfortunately, with scarves and comfy fall sweaters also comes the inevitable weight gain. On busy days you crave comfort food, in uninteresting classes you hunger out of boredom, and on cold nights you seek out warm goodies. As the semester begins, stock your pantry and fridge with healthy, but tasty snacks. Look hot in your leotard while satisfying your need to munch. Also, don’t forget to hydrate between acts with some revitalizing caffeinated beverages.
Buy a Planner
Don’t just purchase it…USE IT! During the semester, my planner becomes my best friend; I do not live or breathe without first consulting it. It follows me to every class and remains on my desk at all times. On the first day, when the professor reviews the syllabus, immediately write down the due dates of every assignment and times of every test. When you are managing several classes, two jobs, friends, family and a relationship, it is impossible to remember every commitment that you make. Without a planner you will surely overbook yourself, show up to a canceled class, or hand in a paper late. Writing things down is not a weakness; although you’re awesome, you cannot be in two places at once.
This is purposefully a very broad category because you know school supplies shopping is your weird guilty pleasure. Obviously pens, pencils and highlighters are a necessity, but don’t be afraid to splurge on those high-end tools such as white out and post-its. In the words of my friend Briana, “You know people have their shit together when they have a mini-stapler.” Band-Aids and Advil can also be crucial pencil-case necessities for getting through rough days of paper-cuts and “forgot my coffee” migraines.
Organize Your Flash Drive
Files…files…files! The more you have, the easier life becomes. When you’re juggling, even the slightest distraction can throw off your rhythm. If you spend even 2 minutes hunting for that word document amongst 200+ files, you have already wasted too much valuable time. Create a “Semesters” folder, then create folders for “terms,” and lastly folders for each of your classes. Organization will save you a lot of time and anxiety. Furthermore, keep that little hunk of plastic with you at all times, you never know when you might need it.
Prioritize Rest
Don’t be afraid to take some well deserved “me” time. Even the world’s best juggler can’t sustain a four month long act. When you’re schedule is so hectic that even finding time for a shower becomes a hassle, sleep takes a back seat, but it is of the utmost importance. Without ample rest you will likely be falling flat on your face before midterms. It’s okay to take time for pajamas, Netflix and rejuvenating spa days. Restore that lethargic soul and manicure those tired juggling hands.