Summer is bittersweetly coming to a close, and whether you're overjoyed to go back to school, or agonizing over the thought of it, it's about that time to face the reality that is the return to college. In life, things for the most part never go as expected, and the return to school is certainly no exception. From packing to moving in and even to the first day of classes, things will most probably not go as planned but that's what keeps things interesting.
Here are a few things that may not go exactly how you anticipated them too; as told by the office characters.
Expectation: okay I mean how long could packing really take? You decide to put it off for as long as you possibly can. all you have to do is throw your clothes in some bins and get all of the stuff you used last year from storage, right?
Reality: Wrong. You waited until the last minute to pack and you highkey are hating yourself for it. When and where did you get so many clothes? and makeup? And accessories? And SHOES?? how are you supposed to decide what to bring and what to leave? Will you need that one obnoxiously sparkly top you got in 7th grade that you've literally never worn?? Hard to know, but you better bring it just in case.
Saying Your Goodbyes
Expectation: Goodbyes are always difficult. First your friends and then your family, but it's nice knowing you had the opportunity to enjoy all of summer with them. Regardless, there will be lots of hugs and potential crying.
Reality: You say your see you soons, give your hugs, and then you are on your way. You're obviously sad to leave your family and friends from home, but Thanksgiving break is going to sneak up on ya. You'll be back home soon and they're all only a text message, Snapchat, or FaceTime away.
Campus Food
Expectation: Most of the time every college student's worst nightmare is campus food. French fries, mac and cheese, and soft-serve ice cream galore. The food is potentially one of the worst parts of college because you are never satisfied with your options and refuse to eat pizza every day in hopes of avoiding the Freshman 15 (which is SOO real)
Reality: By no means is it five-star dining or comparable to mom and dads home cooked meals, but you get a system going. You now know what you like and what you don't like, when to eat healthy and when you feel you can treat yourself. It may have taken some trial and error, but you've finally got a system figured out.
Class & Homework
Expectation: Syllabus week is a breeze and thanks to rate my professors, your teachers seem cool. As long as you keep up with your work it shouldn't be so bad. You may even be able to make the dean's list!
Reality: "If you haven't read chapters one through five, you're already behind," your teacher says on the first day. Do they think we don't have lives? Maybe this semester won't be as easy as you thought it would. By the time you've reached the end of Syllabus Week you already have had three pop quizzes, and more homework than you imagined. But hey you made it through the first week, it should get better from here, right?
Your Room
Expectation: Obviously your room won't be anything fancy, whether you're living on campus or in an off-campus apartment. You're so excited to decorate though and make it your new home away from home.
Reality: This tiny box is what they call a room? I feel like an animal trapped in a cage. They must think I am because in no sense is it logical for a human being to live in this space. By the end of unpacking though, you've somehow found the perfect place for everything and are very tired and hangry.
Social Life
Expectation: You are in your element! Frat parties, date parties, themed parties, random parties in gross basements with free alcohol. Name it and you'll be there. You're only in college once so you might as well take full advantage of it.
Reality: As much as you want to rally for Thursday, Friday, and Saturday nights, your professors have a much different idea. It's not all bad, and you do make time to go out, but sometimes after a long week of exams and projects, Netflix, your ugliest pajamas, and your favorite pint of ice cream sound so much better than getting ready and going out.