I recently returned to college to start my sophomore year. Since the summer was about four months long, it was extremely hard to get back into the whole “not getting enough sleep, eating crappy, and not having enough time to breathe” routine. I’m not exactly sure when I’ll truly get back into this routine. Over the summer, I watched the show "Gilmore Girls" and fell in love with it. So, I decided to dedicate my first school year struggles to the infamous Lorelai Gilmore. She is extremely strong-willed and tries to make the best of every situation but does have her struggles. I feel like this is exactly what I’m trying to do now that I’m back and I know I’m not the only one. Thank you for the support Lorelai.
When you realize you need caffeine to survive.![]()
Lorelai is known for consuming an unhealthy amount of coffee on a day-to-day basis. I’m pretty sure we all have a piece of her inside of us, especially during this tough transition.
When you have so much work but Netflix is calling you.
Every time I have opened a book since I got back, I think that the faster I read it, the faster I can get back to my Netflix shows. I miss the lazy summer days more than anything.
The struggle to get up for class, no matter what the time.
Whether is 8 a.m. or 11 a.m., having to get out of bed to sit in class is something I dread every single morning. We’re about a week in and I don’t know how I’ll do this again.
Getting to class and having to introduce yourself.
One of the worst parts about coming back to school is ice-breaker games. I don’t think anyone cares about what your major is or your fun facts. Lorelai would definitely have something to say about that.
Mondays are the worst thing to ever happen to you.
During the summer, Mondays were just another day. Now that we're back at school, it's like entering back into hell.
Having to figure out what you’re doing with your life.
One of the hardest things about college is all the pressure to get yourself together. As Lorelai got older, she got a steady job but sometimes seemed lost in things. I’ll most likely be the same way starting…now!
Your diet takes a sharp turn.
Most summer diets are not that great with all the ice cream and popcorn. Yet, you still had a million chances at having a home-cooked meal. The second I got back to school, I knew that I’d, once again, begin struggling for a decent meal.
You think about dropping out on a daily basis.
Everything that one of my professors assigns me has me weighing my options of being a college drop-out. However, since I am 95 percent sure my parents would disown me for life, I stick it out. Don’t want a Lorelai and Emily relationship on my hands.
All this responsibility is too much to handle.
Ultimately, summer was a fairly easy time of hanging out with friends and having fun. Now that I’m back at school, all this work and lack of sleep are already starting to take a toll on me. How many days until break?