Bachelor's Grove Cemetery located on the southwest side of Chicago in Midlothian, IL, is known to be one of the most haunted cemeteries in the United States. It's nestled within the Woods Forest Preserve and the small graveyard has seen no new burials for many years but it is easily one of the most famous haunted cemeteries mentioned around the Chicago area.
The cemetery was started around the early 1800's and got its name from a family who settled in the area. The first burial took place in 1844 and the last one took place around 1989 but hauntings started to be reported in the early 1960s after it started to decay and become vandalized.
1. The Farmer, horse and the pond
In the 1870s a farmer and his horse were plowing the land when for an unknown reason, the horse ran into the pond beside the cemetery and ended up pulling the farmer and his plow along with and, you guessed it, right to their death. Supposedly, with the farmer not knowing how to swim and the extra weight of the plow resulted in their deaths.
Many have seen apparitions coming out from the pond, crossing 143rd street and disappearing into the woods. Officers back in the 1970s witnessed this when they were driving east of the cemetery and saw what appeared to be the ghost and his plow pass in front of their headlights before disappearing into the forest preserve.
2. The Madonna
The most controversial photo above was taken back in 1991 when a few members of the Ghost Research Society happened to snap the photo during their investigation. After they develop the film, they noticed a woman sitting on the broken headstone.
A theory of who the lady in white maybe is Kathryn Vogt Fulton and Luella Fulton Rogers. Kathryn who married Luella's brother lost her child who died during infancy. The couple's child was buried in the family lot at Bachelor Grove. When the parents passed away, they were buried at Zion Cemetery.
It's also said to be Luella Fulton Rogers who died from a hit and run driver. But some believe it's Luella's sister, Emma who is also buried in the family plot but her marker was stolen. After the marker was found, it went into the car of Tinley Park Historical Society.
Is Kathryn searching or visiting her lost child? Or Luella Fulton who's restless keeps her from a peaceful afterlife? Or Luella searching for her sisters stone marker?
3. Midlothian Turnpike and the Phantom Farmhouse
The turnpike near the cemetery is rumored to have vanishing ghost cars and phantom accidents. People who travel west on the turnpike will see tail lights of a car driving in front of them but then when the brake lights turn on, the following car will get to the point in the road where the turn is, only to see no car driving down it all.
Since Bachelor's Grove is blocked off from trespassers, people who do take the risk to explore the cemetery have to walk to the burial ground that is about a half mile in the wooded preserve. And along the desert road lies the phantom farmhouse.
The house has appeared and disappeared when people take the journey to the cemetery but the spookiest thing about the house is it shouldn't be at that location at all. There is no historical record of the house existing along the deserted road.
The house is said to be about two stories, white paint with wooden posts, a porch swing and a welcome light that burns softly in one of the windows. Legend has it that if you do enter the house, you never come back out of it again.
Bachelor's Grove is filled with disappearing people and objects, weird colored orbs that fly up and down the cemetery road and tales of haunted spirits aimlessly wandering around looking for their loved ones.
And if you dare take the risk of trespassing into one of the most haunted US cemeteries, don't go into the phantom house if you happen to see it or you may never be seen again.