I'll admit it; I'm a huge fan of "The Bachelorette." I can completely and 100 percent agree that it is total trash and there are probably thousands of more intelligent things that I could spend my time watching, but I can't help it. "The Bachelorette" is a trainwreck, and I can't look away.
Is this thing scripted?
Do people really talk like that? Am I missing something here? The 'cheese' within Jojo's conversations is unbelievable.
How can you love two men at once?
Come on girl. People are either cats or dogs, chocolate or vanilla, sweet or savory...you must love one guy more than the other! (Is it even possible to love two people at once with that kind of intensity?)
Jojo's mom had some serious work done.
Jordan definitely spends more time on his hair than I do.
Sorry Jordan, you can't fool me; no one wakes up like that.
I miss Luke.
I guess the one good thing about Jojo letting him go is that now I have a chance...right?
Does this really go for 3 hours?!
Good thing I cancelled my plans for tonight.
Who really is Jojo?
Does she have a job? A hobby? A real first name? We learn so much about all of these guys, but we know next to nothing about the Bachelorette herself.
Those engagement rings are probably worth more than my house.
Who pays for that? The loser should get to keep his ring as a consolation prize.
I can't wait until next season!
This show is such trash...when does "The Bachelor" start?!
I'll never quite understand my deep passion for this show, but I have no shame. Bring on the next season!