The “reality” show Bachelor in Paradise got a dose of actual reality. The show has been suspended due to a sexual assault investigation. Contestants Corinne Olympios and DeMario Jackson got drunk at a bar and decided to continue things back at the house in a swimming pool. However, reports say that Corinne seemed to keep losing consciousness and falling into the water, while DeMario would just pull her back up and continued to undress her and try to have sex with her. DeMario then allegedly pulled her up out of the water and continued to have oral sex with her. Two hours after the encounter, she was reportedly having trouble walking, her words were slurred, and her clothes were inside out. These are the facts according to TMZ and The Daily Mail.
It was a field producer who filed the report and initiated the investigation. Corinne insists that she has no memory of this encounter and claims she was too intoxicated to give consent. On the other hand DeMario claims he was so drunk he didn’t know what was happening and that she instigated the encounter.
Given the facts as I understand them, it is sickening that nobody in the crew stepped in. What is even worse is the entire encounter is on video. So not only did nobody think to intervene, they continued to film this and allowed producers to see it. Sexual assault is real. The damage it leaves behind is real. It is not a publicity stunt, it is not some angry feminist complaining, and it is certainly not “ratings gold.”
The crew members who allowed for this encounter to occur should be ashamed of themselves. DeMario, you should be ashamed of yourself. You might have been drunk, but you had the state of mind to keep pulling her back up out of the water? You seemed to know what you were doing enough to take her clothes off, pull her out of the pool, and have oral sex with her “limp” body.
The only good thing that those crew members did was at least keep the video. In situations like these, it is almost always her word against his situation. In this case, we have the whole thing on tape, which is still sickening to think the crew made the decision to let this happen. Sexual assault leaves behind unimaginable damage. Those who are brave enough go to get a rape kit done, which includes letting a stranger take the underwear you were wearing and put them in a bag labeled evidence. It can feel like you are being violated all over again. But bruises fade. Memories don’t. The feeling of losing absolute control over your body because someone else thought they were above you and decided to take it.
I pray that the investigation leads to a real result and justice to be adequately served. In a world of Brock Turners and Baylor football programs, it is time someone set a real and justified standard.
To Corinne. I do not know you, but if you say you were not able to give consent, and that you were sexually assaulted, I believe you.