Just when you thought 2019 was the worst dating year of your life, the cutest 50-year-old guy stepped into your life:
Baby Yoda.
Disney+'s "
The Mandalorian" has stormed onto the pop culture scene this fall, and whether you like "Star Wars" or not, chances are a Baby Yoda has won over your heart.
So who better to depict just how hard it is to date in 2019? This is every single college girl's dating life, as told by Baby Yoda:
Telling your ex/last guy you hooked up with it's really over:

Walking to class looking at cute girls you know you're never going to talk to:

Thinking about your life decisions:

Ubering to a guy's house after 11 p.m. against your best judgment:

Waking up at his place:

Thinking you can still change him like:

And you keep trying until you literally have no energy left:

And now you're too exhausted to try dating other guys, so back to sleeping it is:

After a good nap and skipping class, it's time to eat your feelings:

All the while, your best friend is just sitting on the sidelines watching the trainwreck that is your life:

Finally having enough energy and self-dignity to start the process all over again:

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