Baby Sister,
This world is bigger than it looks, there is so much beyond that small town.
1.You will always be the baby of the family. No matter what anyone says or does you are the favorite. You are my baby sister and my mini me like no other. The little girl I drug with me everywhere.
2.You will have tons of low self-esteem, but don’t let that be the way you see yourself. Yes, we all have flaws like acne, bad haircuts, and just are not happy with our images. Please don’t let your image bring you down as a person because no maker what you are beautiful.
3.Friends come and go but the family never leaves. No matter what you are going through and your friends change or don’t have your back just know your Big sister will always have your back. Friends change and the quantity will never matter as much as quality.
4.Boys are bad. They can become the center of your world if you let them but you should not let them ever become that center of your world. Boy will come and go during your life but just know only one is meant for you out there in the world. He will be different and will work just as hard as you do with a passion that you share.
5.Respect MOM. She may not be your best friend now but one day will be the only person you will want and need in your life. Just never stop respecting her because she is your best friend forever.
6.You are always beautiful. No matter what anyone tells you, you are a very beautiful soul on the inside and outside.
7.Parting is all fun and games but it is okay to stay in for the weekend. It’s important to have your time to just watch Netflix and eat some cookie dough.
8.Yes, you can date. When you decide to find that boy you would like to become serious with a look to see how he treat his mother or sister because that’s how he will treat you. Make sure he treats you the right way and does not use you. Because if he hurts my baby sister I will hurt him.
9.Yes, talk about yourself. Not all the time but it’s okay to tell your friends about that exam in your class or that trip you took last summer.10.Finally, we will not always get along but in the end, we will always be blood and sisters. Yes, you are a pain in my butt and I still Love you. You are my baby sister, I taught you how the world worked in my eyes and now I hope you will do great things.