The Reality of Being an Adult Stuck in a Child's Body | The Odyssey Online
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7 Things Every Millennial Girl Who Still Looks Like She's 16 Feels On A Spiritual Level

No, my mom is not home right now, but I can still take a message.

7 Things Every Millennial Girl Who Still Looks Like She's 16 Feels On A Spiritual Level

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When I was a kid, I always looked older than my actual age.

Everyone assumed I was in middle school when I was actually still in third grade, and my own dad always thought I was turning thirteen before I reached my tenth birthday. For some reason, once I got to high school, my peers kept growing while I basically stayed the same. By the time I graduated high school, my father still kept asking if I was turning thirteen soon. But that was just one of many instances where I was seen as much younger than my age.

1. Being Carded at the Movie Theater

Every single time I go to a movie theater to see something that is more intense than PG, I'm asked to show my ID. Of course, I would expect this for most R-rated films, since I definitely don't look seventeen. Unfortunately, this includes PG-13 movies as well even though I'm a college student. There have been multiple instances where I have bought a ticket for a movie with my friends and all of them are allowed to pass through without a second glance while I lag behind for questioning. I even experienced an employee ask "where is your mom" instead of requesting my driver's license.

2. Always Being Called "Cute" or "The Baby"

Although this makes sense in my household, since I am the youngest child, these titles often extend into my friendship circles. I'm considered the "young one" when I'm the same age as the majority of my friends. I appreciate the sentiment, but I'd greater appreciate it if people stopped pinching my cheeks.

3. The Strange Looks

Since I live on a college campus, I often walk by students who carry themselves as adults, as college is considered "the transition into adulthood." The average student who's carrying a backpack isn't given any particular attention on their way to class, but I, on the other hand, receive multiple stares and glances. People either assume I'm some child prodigy who graduated high school as a ten-year-old or that I'm someone's younger sibling visiting for the weekend whose lost their way. Some may think I'm reading far too into the average sideways glare, but after being asked if I "know where my parents are" on the way to class, I don't think I'm being too sensitive.

4. Every Time You Say Your Age, There's An Outcry

For every single job I've had, the immediate question I receive by my coworkers is "How old are you?" Once I announce my age, there's immediate laughter and disbelief. I worked at a local grocery store for some time, and even after my fellow employees knew me for a year, they still all thought I was fifteen.

5. Dating Can Be a Challenge

Not only can I almost never attract people who are my age, but when I can, my partner is almost always mistaken for an older sibling. Simply dating a guy with facial hair makes people think that my boyfriend is actually my kind older brother holding my hand to make sure I safely cross the street. In actuality, my real older brother would never do that.

6. The Envy of Your Peers

If there's one good thing about looking young, it's that everyone is always telling you how lucky you'll feel once you're in your thirties and still look like you're twenty. I guess I'll just have to wait for that time to come to finally reap the rewards of looking like a twelve-year-old.

7. Sometimes, Pretending to be a Kid is Okay

You can get cheaper tickets for a lot of events, you can sneak into things without a second glance, and you can order off the kids menu without being judged. I may be too old to order a child's peanut butter and jelly sandwich, but that cashier isn't going to stop me. They automatically offer me that menu anyway, so it's not like I'm doing anything wrong!

Maybe I'm just a late bloomer, and my growth spurt is on its way. Let's just hope it makes it here before my thirtieth birthday!

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This article has not been reviewed by Odyssey HQ and solely reflects the ideas and opinions of the creator.
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