Sustaining a part time job during college can be difficult, especially with the shotty schedule I always get stuck with. I fortunately have been able to nanny for the past two years. The hours are flexible, usually needing help either in the morning, at night after my classes, or on the weekends. While this experience has taught me a lot, I have realized that dealing with small children are a lot like dealing with your drunk friends. Here are some of the ways nannying has prepared me to deal with my intoxicated friends:
1. Puking.
There have been several times where children get sick and I have literally caught their puke in my hands (I am still trying to forget). You also have to have the stomach to help wipe the puke off your friends face to pretend like she didn't ruin the outside of your uber. Your'e killin' me smalls.
2. Getting them to bed.
Sometimes the little kids will fall asleep before they make it to bed and you have to carry them. There is also the journey from uber, upstairs to your apartment (mine doesn't have an elevator) and dragging them to their bedroom by their ankles. Sorry rug burn's a bitch.
3. Pajama time.
Most of the time kids never want to put their pjs on because it signals bedtime, so naturally a struggle takes place and sometimes you have to get creative. The same thing happens when trying to get your friends out of their dirty bar clothes and them not cooperating whatsoever.
4. Getting them to eat.
I remember always being down for a snack as a kid but now I basically have to trick them into eating dinner. I also have to persuade my friends to eat some food before bed and there has been a time or two where shoving bread in their mouth was completely necessary.
5. Neutralizing the situation.
Children, like drunk people, often have temper tantrums. Both parties are usually unreasonable but I find it helps to use a calm, soothing voice. If all else fails just start yelling.
6. Getting them to behave.
This can also be a monumental task. Pro tip: pretend to take a video of them misbehaving and threaten to send it to their parents, boyfriend, entire snapchat contact list etc. 99% rate.