B1G Schools And Their Mean Girls Lunch Tables | The Odyssey Online
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B1G Schools And Their Mean Girls Lunch Tables

North Shore High may be in the Mid West but can it handle it's teams?

B1G Schools And Their Mean Girls Lunch Tables

Who's your favorite school sitting with at North Shore High?

1. Freshmen: University of Minnesota

Everyone forgets about Minnesota unless they go to Minnesota. These little gophers are going to have to prove themselves on the football field if they want to move up in the ranks. Until then, it's nothing but shoving and teasing by the upperclassmen.

2. ROTC Guys: Rutgers University

They're mascot is the Scarlett Knight. Need I say more?

3. Preps: University of Maryland

East coast prep has hit this school hard. They're the closest to the cape so that makes a lot of sense. The campus alone looks like it belongs in the SEC.

4. JV Jocks: Indiana University

At Indiana they definitely tailgate harder than they're team plays. In the past IU was decent, but recently Tom Crean hasn't been able to get it together, and don't even get me started on the football team.

5. Asian Nerds: Northwestern

Northwestern is one of the toughest schools to get into in the Big Ten. This earns the Wildcats a spot in the lib to study all night long.

6. Cool Asians: University of Illinois

I couldn't really think of anything for Illinois, but this seemed like a good fit.

7. Unfriendly Hotties: Ohio State

Ohio State considers themselves the big shot of the Big Ten and they're not too friendly about it. News flash: not many people know what a buckeye is, nor do they care. So kindly hop off your high horse. You'll never be Alabama.

8. Girls who eat their feelings: University of Nebraska

Nebraska seems to get the short end of the stick when it comes to calls in football. But that's also what everyone else thinks about their team. I'm still bitter about Nebraska ruining MSU's near perfect season, so for that they can eat their weight in corn ten times over.

9. Girls who don't eat anything: Purdue University

Boilermaker fans lose their appetites after watching their team come so close to winning and then blowing it in the final few seconds.

10. Desparate Wannabes: Penn State

Penn State doesn't really have a huge presence sports wise in the Big Ten but they WANT IT. I've only witnessed they're football team getting slaughtered on the field, but the one thing they do win is tailgates. The Nittany Lions go HARD. But after the whole Sandusky case, it's going to be hard to get to where they want to be.

11. Burnouts: University of Wisconsin

If you've ever seen the episodes of "That 70's Show" when the cast goes to college, you'll understand how fitting this is.

12. Sexually Active Band Geeks: University of Iowa

As one of the top party schools in the nation according to TFM, Iowa obviously has a lot of action going on. However, Iowa is Iowa. I've never been there, but I can't imagine there's a lot to do besides party. They did dominate the Western side of the conference this past season, so they're doing a little.

13. The Greatest People You Will Ever Meet: Michigan State University

I am completely biased to MSU, but this school is actually amazing. The people are awesome and we have the BEST mascot in the B1G. If a coach is a representation of a team, we have two of the best coaches out there and they truly represent. No school can come close to the powerful bromance that is Tom Izzo and Mark Dantonio.

14. And The Worst... Beware of the plastics: University of Michigan

In the words of Janice Ian, "You think everyone loves you when actually, everybody hates you." Even Jim Harbaugh can't save you from having so many enemies in this conference. Half the people that like U of M have never even set foot on the campus let alone attend the school itself. Hence the term "Walmart Wolverine."

This article is all in good fun. If you don't agree, you're completely entitled to your own opinion. Remember, you can always move to a different table if enough people are on your side.

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