With Thanksgiving in the rear-view mirror, I thought it would be fun to ask around and see what awkward encounters they experienced on Thursday. Eating dinner with all your relatives can lead to many uncomfortable conversations for millennials about their choice in major, if they are dating and why they have holes in their jeans. While those are not fun conversations, these one's top the charts for this year's most embarrassing conversations.
1. The First Kiss Dish
The first Thanksgiving my friend had with her now fiancé was one for the books. Normally, people do not kiss and tell but this family had other ideas. They were going around the table talking about their first kiss. When they got to Bethany* they started making jokes about how she is so innocent, and her first kiss was probably yesterday. She then revealed that her first kiss was in 7th grade to a guy who was arrested later for selling cocaine. That shut the family up.
2. The Conversation That Should Stay Flushed
One friend of mine said that every Thanksgiving leads to talking about their poop. They discuss the importance of looking at their poop's since they reflect one's health. Since this discussion is not a pretty one, I will not go into more detail – but you can imagine having this discussion while eating a hearty meal and how that can make one lose their appetite.
3. The Mental Health Diagnosis
While it is not embarrassing, it is uncomfortable for everyone involved. One friend of mine's wife told her sister that she thinks she is bipolar and needs to get on medication. While this might be true, that is not a Thanksgiving dinner conversation or a conversation to be held over dinner at all, let alone the most important dinner of the year. Let's hope these sisters can make up in time for Christmas.
4. The Sweet Potato Pie Havoc
This year, Ashley's* sister brought the sweet potato pie to Thanksgiving dinner that included numerous family members. After desert, everyone was raving about Ashley's sister's pie and kept asking for her recipe right in front of her mother. This is awkward because in the years prior, Ashley's mom brought the sweet potato pie. While they were different recipes, it was still mortifying yet humorous for the family.
5. The Turkey That Lit The Yard On Fire
My personal favorite story comes from in the family. My grandpa wanted to try to fry the turkey one year for Thanksgiving. For those who have fried a turkey, you know that you should put the turkey in the pot with water first to measure how much oil will need to go into the pot. My grandpa skipped this step and heated up the oil. When he placed the turkey in the pot, the hot oil overflowed everywhere. Since he chose to do this process in the front yard, it caused the grass to go up in flames.
No family is perfect, causing everyone to have some sort of an awkward encounter or another during the holidays. As the years go on, we will keep adding more problematic stories to our repertoire. Hearing all these uncomfortable Thanksgiving dinner stories makes me either excited or scared for Christmas.
*Names have been changed in order to protect one's identity from utter humiliation.